Access Arrangements Coordinator

Claremont Fan Court School, City of Westminster

Access Arrangements Coordinator


Claremont Fan Court School, City of Westminster

  • Part time
  • Permanent
  • Onsite working

Posted 6 days ago, 10 Mar | Get your application in now to be included in the first week's applications.

Closing date: Closing date not specified

job Ref: 2d39fd73b5794d9185730577cc0cedd2

Full Job Description

We are growing our individual needs department complete and supported by necessary evidenceand are looking to recruit a part time access prior to making applications for AAs to the examarrangements coordinator from September 2025. boards before JCQ deadlines

  • To comply with all GDPR regulations
  • Key responsibilities
  • To ensure relevant teachers and parents are
  • updated regarding pupil access arrangements
  • To manage the JCQ process for access To ensure pupil access arrangement files are
  • arrangements (AAs) in public exams, from complete in accordance with JCQ regulations organising assessments for specialist assessors and ready for JCQ inspections through to application to the exam boards
  • Liaise with external assessors and ensure they
  • To oversee and coordinate the provision of AAs have appropriate and up to date qualifications
  • to eligible students, in liaison with the exams
  • To clarify subjects for laptop use by pupils in
  • office and head of IN public exam years and for internal exams
  • To liaise with previous schools regarding AAs Work closely with the head of individual
  • ensuring that all paperwork is in place to roll needs and the exams office regarding access forward arrangements from GCSE to A Level arrangements and resources needed for public
  • To liaise with teaching staff to gain/collate exams.
  • history of need and information regarding
  • To maintain valid qualifications relating to AAs in
  • a pupil's normal way of working prior to line with JCQ guidelines and undertake annual assessment training on changes to JCQ regulations
  • Keep accurate records monitoring and tracking
  • pupil history of need, NWOW, from contact with teachers and monitoring during exams and initiate changes if necessary
  • Manage and prioritise the assessment list and
  • diarise/liaise with specialist assessors regarding pupil assessment
  • To check and ensure that all JCQ paperwork is
  • 4 |

    The successful candidate is likely to have the
  • An understanding of the nature of independent
  • following qualifications, skills and experience: learning
  • Able to set high expectations amongst all pupils
  • Ideally possess a good honours degree and/or a Organised and capable of working independently
  • qualification related to learning support and as part of a team
  • A candidate educated to A level standard but Eager to learn and able to attend all INSETs
  • with successful experience of learning support
  • An awareness of health and safety issues and
  • may be considered compliance with health and safety policy
  • Previous experience of working with children Aware of the nature of the school and prepared
  • with SpLD and other individual needs in Years to commit to its all-round ethos, co curricular 7 - 11 and an understanding of how they can be activities and pastoral approach effectively supported within the classroom
  • A willingness to volunteer for activities beyond
  • An ability to understand and offer further the job description, including providing support
  • explanation of the subjects to be taken by pupils at school events such as entrance exams as well up to GCSE level as internal exams
  • An understanding of the role of a learning
  • support assistant in the classroom vis a vis the teacher and pupils
  • An ability to listen to both teacher and pupil
  • and intrinsically understand the delicate balance required to provide constructive support
  • A cheerful, enthusiastic and well-presented
  • person, capable of inspiring confidence in pupils and parents
  • Excellent communication skills, oral, written and
  • in the use of ICT
  • Prepared to work hard with energy and
  • enthusiasm

    Welcome to Claremont Fan Court School. We are We prioritise, too, an understanding of charactera thriving, co-educational independent day school and the way in which our relationship with othersin Surrey for pupils aged 2½ to 18. Founded in 1922, are fundamental to our successes in life, universitywe recently celebrated our 100th anniversary as an and careers.evolving, successful school. Where else, within a school bus ride from south westWe are proud of Claremont Fan Court School's London, can children from 2 ½ to 18 balance foreststrong reputation for being a compassionate, child schools with further maths, lacrosse with the pursuitcentred, truly co-educational school of choice of a medical career, learning history in a buildingfor families seeking an academically ambitious that made history or playing rugby while designingenvironment that educates the whole child. for a fashion show.Set in 100 acres of historic grounds, Claremont is Teachers, staff, pupils and their families areknown for focussing on the academic potential of expected to support and extend the atmosphereour pupils, but not at the expense of their pastoral of respect, courtesy, the love of learning and thewellbeing; for a culture that nurtures pupils' limitlessvalue of friendship that is held dear at Claremontpotential, not just in exams but also in equipping Fan Court School. This peaceful and purposefulthem with the skills to shape the world around them intent extends throughout every lesson and into theat university, in their careers and in the wider societypastoral and co-curricular activities we offer.beyond.

    Our mission guides the ethos of the school and is aprimary document for all who work at the school.
  • To provide an environment where the Godgiven
  • potential of every individual is recognised and valued. With this recognition comes the expectation of high personal achievement and moral standards and a developing awareness of our individual responsibility to each other and our world
  • To maintain a broad and forward-looking
  • curriculum in which pupils are encouraged to think independently to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world
  • To encourage our pupils to awaken to all that is
  • good and true within and around them in their spiritual journey of self- discovery
  • To equip our pupils with a strong set of values
  • for future decision making
  • The following values are fundamental to
  • everything we do: courtesy, respect, trust, moral integrity, self discipline, love for God and man
  • The School embraces the whole Claremont
  • family: pupils, parents, guardians, staff and governors in its mission, vision and ethosVisionIn accordance with our mission, Claremont FanCourt develops individuals who are outstandingcitizens, aware of their responsibility to others andcontribute positively to global society.We realise this by being a high-quality school ofchoice where young people achieve more than theythink is possible.EthosGoodness underpins this school. Teachers, staff,pupils and their families are expected to supportand extend the atmosphere of respect, courtesy,the love of learning and the value of friendship thatis held dear at Claremont Fan Court School. Thispeaceful and purposeful intent extends throughoutevery lesson and into the pastoral and co-curricularactivities we offer.Young people leave Claremont Fan Court Schoolas confident, contributing and caring members ofthe global community. They cherish the values thatequip them to make a positive contribution and be aforce for good in the world., Claremont Fan Court School is set in a beautiful employee contribution 5 x salary life assurance,location and is a warm and welcoming community. cycle to work scheme as well as complimentaryProfessional standards are high, and we encourage lunches and refreshments during term time.ongoing training and personal development.The school is located just outside Esher in Surrey Terms and conditionsand is easily accessible from the A3, M3 and M25with ample free staff parking. The nearest train Hours - 27.5 hours per week, can be worked over 4station is Claygate which is a 25-minute walk, with or 5 days, term time only.local bus services also available.Esher and its neighbouring towns offer easy access Salary - £27,040 full time equivalent, actual salaryto both central London and the stunning Surrey £15,286.93 per annum.countryside, offering a feeling of space whilstbeing only a stone's throw from London and all thefacilities a capital city has to offer.The local area has a mix of leisure activitiesavailable. Both the historic palace at Hampton Courtand the beautiful gardens at RHS Wisley are nearby,as well as Sandown Racecourse. There are many artsvenues (theatres, cinemas, live music) and sportsclubs in the surrounding area and for cyclists there isaccess to some of the finest roads.Benefits include group personal pension plan - theschool makes a generous contribution with a 3%

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