Consultant in Emergency Medicine | Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, Lindley, Kirklees
Consultant in Emergency Medicine | Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust
Salary not available. View on company website.
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, Lindley, Kirklees
- Full time
- Permanent
- Onsite working
Posted 2 weeks ago, 28 Feb | Get your application in now before you miss out!
Closing date: Closing date not specified
job Ref: 1b8c0c34997144bcaedf420e76778d30
Full Job Description
The Trusts is investing in its Emergency Medicine department and is recruiting to Substantive consultant posts. These are new posts to support the senior delivery of Emergency Care and the development of the service within Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust with a view to developing the following services and delivering a consultant delivered night shifts.
- Frailty
- Musculoskeletal services
- Ultrasound
- Paediatric Emergency Medicine In 2018, the Department of Health and Social Care approved investment of £196.5 million to support reconfiguration of hospital services across Calderdale & Huddersfield which includes development of a purpose-built Emergency Department at Huddersfield as well as an Urgent & Emergency Care Centre at Calderdale.
- ComplywiththeEmergencyDepartmentsandTrust'spolicies,andtomaintaintheirskillsand knowledge through CPD.
- Participateintheday-to-daytrainingandsupervisionofjuniormedicalstaffandwithallother training/teaching activities facilitated by the department.
- Tocoverhis/hercolleaguesforunpredictedshorttermabsence.
- ExpecttobecalledtothedepartmentwhenaMajorIncidentisdeclared.
- Toparticipateinthedevelopmentofemergencytreatmentprotocols.
- Takeanactiveroleinclinicalauditandtheclinicalgovernanceprocess
- Totakeanactiveroleintheappraisalprocess
- Provide professional supervision and encourage the development of all Doctors and ACPs within the Emergency Department.
- Contribute the provision of reports for the Coroner, Police Statements and for Complaintsmanagement adhering to time frames.
- Willensuretheirownpracticeisuptodate:thiswillincludetakingresponsibilityforown clinical professional development and participation in the Trust appraisal system., Foundation trusts provide what the health service wants, yet are also free to invest quickly in the changes to the local community needs, in striving to be the best, and in putting their patients first. Applications are encouraged from experienced consultants wishing to take up a new challenge or newly accredited consultants who will be supported through our highly regarded development programs. The post holder is encouraged to develop his/her own sub-specialty interest. This is a Full-Time post providing 10 Programmed Activities (PAs), but applicants wishing to work part-timearealsoencouragedtoapplyandjobplanswillbeadjustedaccordingly,andbynegotiation with appointees. ApplicantsmustbeontheGeneralMedicalCouncilSpecialistRegisterorwithinsixmonthsofbeing admittedtotheRegisterfortraineesifinatrainingprogramwithintheUK.Inaccordancewiththe regulations,allothercategoriesofdoctorsmustbeontheGMCSpecialistRegistertobeconsidered foraconsultantappointmentbytheAdvisoryAppointmentsCommittee.Applicantsmustcontinueto hold a License to Practice. Allmedical staffemployed by the Trustare expected to comply withregional andappropriate Trust health and safety policies.
Disability Confident About Disability Confident A Disability Confident employer will generally offer an interview to any applicant that declares they have a disability and meets the minimum criteria for the job as defined by the employer. It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people. For more details please go to .
We employ more than 6,500 staff who deliver compassionate care from our two main hospitals, Calderdale Royal Hospital and Huddersfield Royal Infirmary as well as in community sites, health centres and in patients' homes. We also are incredibly proud to have almost 150 volunteers here at CHFT. We provide a range of services including urgent and emergency care; medical; surgical; maternity; gynaecology; critical care; children's and young people's services; end of life care and outpatient and diagnostic imaging services. We provide community health services, including sexual health services in Calderdale from Calderdale Royal and local health centres. These include Todmorden Health Centre and Broad Street Plaza. We continue to modernise and invest in our health services to build on our strong reputation. Foundation trusts are public leaders in improving quality in health services. They are part of the NHS - yet decisions about what they do and how they do it are driven by independent boards. Boards listen to their Council of Governors and respond to the needs of their members - patients, staff and the local community.