director of digital learning and AI

Claremont Fan Court School, City of Westminster

director of digital learning and AI

Salary not available. View on company website.

Claremont Fan Court School, City of Westminster

  • Full time
  • Permanent
  • Onsite working

Posted 2 days ago, 14 Mar | Get your application in today.

Closing date: Closing date not specified

job Ref: 72362142d2334dceb5d210abd7fdbeb3

Full Job Description

Digital learning is constantly changing and improving as well as the IT (CTS) team and the IT project andand Claremont Fan Court School continues to change manager.embrace new opportunities and changes withpositivity and determination. We are seeking a The new director of digital learning and AI willdirector of digital learning and AI to lead the schoolunite the various members of the Digital Learningon this journey. Committee, own the development plan, set the agenda and provide a cogent vision for progressIn this newly created role the director of digital at this critical time. The role will also be critical inlearning and AI will be responsible for the strategic communicating our vision and programme to keydirection and development of digital learning across stakeholders including fellow colleagues, governors,both the junior school and the senior school to pupils, parents and prospective parents.ensure that it fundamentally supports the wideracademic and teaching and learning aims of the Teaching responsibilitiesschool, that Claremont Fan Court School is at thecutting edge of technological development when it This role will also have teaching responsibilities andcomes to teaching and learning, that we are building will be given time table remission to enable effectivethe appropriate digital skills in all of our learners discharge of accountabilities.and that we are training teachers to embrace digitaltechnology effectively in the classroom. Please see appendix 1 for the responsibilities for a teacher.Line-managementThe post will be line-managed by the deputy head(academic) and head of IT Strategy jointly. Theywill also attend SMT (Learning) meetings and alsoattend SLT when required. They will work closelywith the director of teaching and learning in thesenior school and their junior school equivalents4 |,

  • To provide a cogent and thoughtful vision of To ensure that AI is used in a careful and
  • what digital learning will look like at Claremont thoughtful way to enhance learning and Fan Court School over the next three years. assessment where this is appropriate. For
  • To chair the Digital Learning Committee, set the instance, platforms that provide adaptive
  • agenda and be the chief architect of the digital assessment or as a means of offering marking learning development plan and standardisation
  • To plan and deliver appropriate training to To be responsible for the oversight of digital
  • all teaching staff across the school on the learnig budget development of digital learning skills in the
  • To ensure that our legal and compliance
  • classroom obligations regarding AI and academic integrity
  • Work closely with the computer science are met and that the relevant policies and
  • curriculum leads in the senior and junior school procedures are updated accordingly to ensure the curriculum supports and builds the
  • To monitor and review the use and effectiveness
  • right skills for the development of digital literacy of the digital platforms the school is using in all learners
  • To ensure that there is harmony and purpose
  • Work with the director of teaching and learning between the hardware that teachers and pupils
  • in the senior school and the junior school use and the software - specifically the use of equivalents as well as individual subject and smart boards but also personal devices curriculum leads across the school to ensure digital learning actively supports strategic goals for assessment, academic progress and wider teaching and learning
  • Provide and promote opportunities for pupils
  • and students to engage in digital activities and opportunities beyond the curriculum - whether through assemblies, workshops, careers talks, Teaching Responsibilities
  • Teach an agreed curricular and co-curricular programme
  • Plan, prepare and deliver lessons that follow the department's scheme of work, ensuring lessons are
  • suitably differentiated and appropriate to all members of the class
  • Mark pupil work on a regular basis in accordance with faculty and school marking policies
  • Accurately record-keep for classes including registering, assessments, rewards and referrals
  • Feedback to pupils and parents through writing reports and attending parents' evenings
  • Attend regular general staff meetings including morning briefings and departmental meetings and to
  • participate in extra-curricular activities
  • Cover lessons both within and outside the faculty and be available for exam invigilation as directed by the
  • cover supervisor
  • Check school e-mail account on a regular basis and reply to colleagues and parents within 24 hours
  • Carry out any other duties as required
  • Pastoral and Safeguarding Responsibilities
  • Act as a tutor or support tutor, meeting with tutees on a daily basis and liaising with colleagues and
  • parents as required. Developing detailed knowledge of each individual tutee including family context, academic ability and interests.
  • Work within the pastoral team including heads of house/year to support pupils in their academic
  • development/progress, wellbeing and co-curricular activity.
  • Reporting any issues of concern relating to both pupils and staff, including child protection issues, to the
  • DSL team and/or other pastoral leaders. This may include having to manage disclosures.Co-curricular responsibilities(approx 50 hours per year)
  • Teach an agreed co-curricular department or non-department club, society, sport or activity
  • Classroom environment
  • Establish a teaching environment that is positive and supportive of learning
  • Consider the needs of pupils at all times interacting in a supportive and positive way
  • Establish a culture for learning with pupils of all abilities
  • Establish effective teaching practices so that pupil behaviour is consistently within the expectations of
  • this school being purposeful, safe, respectful, open, valuable, and appropriate

  • Possess a relevant degree or professional learning and AI
  • qualification in education, digital learning, or a
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability
  • related field to collaborate effectively with a wide range of
  • Possess a post graduate teaching qualification: stakeholders, including teaching staff, senior
  • PGCE, diploma of teaching or equivalent leadership, students, parents, and external
  • Proven track record of leadership in digital partners. The ability to articulate complex ideas
  • learning or a related field, ideally in an clearly educational environment
  • Ability to navigate and manage change in a
  • A background in teaching is essential and the fast-evolving technological landscape, with the
  • successful candidate will be expected to have a determination and resilience to lead the school teaching allocation through digital transformation
  • A strong understanding of how technology Strong analytical skills with the ability to identify
  • can enhance teaching and learning, including challenges and opportunities, make data-driven experience with tools such as Microsoft Teams, decisions, and implement effective solutions. learning management systems, and AI in
  • A compassionate and supportive leader who
  • educational contexts is sensitive to the needs of students and staff,
  • An understanding of how digital technologies offering guidance and encouragement
  • can be embedded across subjects to support both academic progress and digital literacy development
  • Familiarity with AI tools and platforms in
  • education, with a focus on how they can be used to enhance learning, assessment, and teaching practices
  • Experience in planning, delivering, and evaluating
  • professional development programs for educators, particularly in the area of digital

    Welcome to Claremont Fan Court School. We are We prioritise, too, an understanding of charactera thriving, co-educational independent day school and the way in which our relationship with othersin Surrey for pupils aged 2½ to 18. Founded in 1922, are fundamental to our successes in life, universitywe recently celebrated our 100th anniversary as an and careers.evolving, successful school. Where else, within a school bus ride from south westWe are proud of Claremont Fan Court School's London, can children from 2 ½ to 18 balance foreststrong reputation for being a compassionate, child schools with further maths, lacrosse with the pursuitcentred, truly co-educational school of choice of a medical career, learning history in a buildingfor families seeking an academically ambitious that made history or playing rugby while designingenvironment that educates the whole child. for a fashion show.Set in 100 acres of historic grounds, Claremont is Teachers, staff, pupils and their families areknown for focussing on the academic potential of expected to support and extend the atmosphereour pupils, but not at the expense of their pastoral of respect, courtesy, the love of learning and thewellbeing; for a culture that nurtures pupils' limitlessvalue of friendship that is held dear at Claremontpotential, not just in exams but also in equipping Fan Court School. This peaceful and purposefulthem with the skills to shape the world around them intent extends throughout every lesson and into theat university, in their careers and in the wider societypastoral and co-curricular activities we offer.beyond.

    Our mission guides the ethos of the school and is aprimary document for all who work at the school.
  • To provide an environment where the Godgiven
  • potential of every individual is recognised and valued. With this recognition comes the expectation of high personal achievement and moral standards and a developing awareness of our individual responsibility to each other and our world
  • To maintain a broad and forward-looking
  • curriculum in which pupils are encouraged to think independently to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world
  • To encourage our pupils to awaken to all that is
  • good and true within and around them in their spiritual journey of self- discovery
  • To equip our pupils with a strong set of values
  • for future decision making
  • The following values are fundamental to
  • everything we do: courtesy, respect, trust, moral integrity, self discipline, love for God and man
  • The School embraces the whole Claremont
  • family: pupils, parents, guardians, staff and governors in its mission, vision and ethosVisionIn accordance with our mission, Claremont FanCourt develops individuals who are outstandingcitizens, aware of their responsibility to others andcontribute positively to global society.We realise this by being a high-quality school ofchoice where young people achieve more than theythink is possible.EthosGoodness underpins this school. Teachers, staff,pupils and their families are expected to supportand extend the atmosphere of respect, courtesy,the love of learning and the value of friendship thatis held dear at Claremont Fan Court School. Thispeaceful and purposeful intent extends throughoutevery lesson and into the pastoral and co-curricularactivities we offer.Young people leave Claremont Fan Court Schoolas confident, contributing and caring members ofthe global community. They cherish the values thatequip them to make a positive contribution and be aforce for good in the world., Claremont Fan Court School is set in a beautiful TPS
  • ) or the option of a very generous defined
  • location and is a warm and welcoming community. contribution scheme which offers teachers flexibilityProfessional standards are high, and we encourage around both employer and employee contributionongoing training and personal development. levels, a generous discount on school fees (for eligible staff), cycle to work scheme as well asThe school is located just outside Esher in Surrey complimentary lunches and refreshments duringand is easily accessible from the A3, M3 and M25 term-time.with ample free staff parking. The nearest trainstation is Claygate which is a 25-minute walk, with
  • The School is currently consulting with its
  • local bus services also available. teaching staff on whether to become a phased withdrawal school for the purposes of TPS. If thisEsher and its neighbouring towns offer easy access proposal was implemented, new teachers would beto both central London and the stunning Surrey automatically enrolled into the Claremont Fan Courtcountryside, offering a feeling of space whilst School Group Personal Pension Scheme Aviva GPPbeing only a stone's throw from London and all the and would not be eligible to join TPS.facilities a capital city has to offer.The local area has a mix of leisure activitiesavailable. Both the historic palace at Hampton Courtand the beautiful gardens at RHS Wisley are nearby,as well as Sandown Racecourse. There are many artsvenues (theatres, cinemas, live music) and sportsclubs in the surrounding area and for cyclists there isaccess to some of the finest roads.For teaching staff: Benefits include generouscontributory pension scheme (currently through

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