Head of Year 8 / 9
The Trust, King's Heath, Birmingham
Head of Year 8 / 9
Salary not available. View on company website.
The Trust, King's Heath, Birmingham
- Full time
- Permanent
- Onsite working
Posted 1 day ago, 13 Mar | Get your application in today.
Closing date: Closing date not specified
job Ref: 7de48279e767448bb93cfb09e0da9bdd
Full Job Description
To assist in the leadership of the school through: § Contributing to the strategic direction and development of the school by supporting the vision, ethos and policies of the school § Attending Pastoral Board meetings and contributing to the review, evaluation and development of the school's pastoral policies and procedures § Adopting a significant and prominent presence around the school § Developing Pupil Voice § Promoting effective safeguarding procedures across the school § Taking on specific tasks, related to the day to day administration and organisation of the school, as directed by the Headmaster Specific Responsibilities - including monitoring and evaluation Pupil Progress § To monitor and review the academic progress of pupils in Year 8 & 9 § To lead the tracking of vulnerable groups in line with the Closing the Gap agenda § To liaise with appropriate teaching and support staff and with external agencies to support pupil progress and wellbeing § To meet with parents of identified pupils and inform staff of relevant outcomes § To support the transition of pupils from Year 7 and to Year 10 § To prepare references for school leavers § To attend Parents' Evenings and coordinate feedback from the evenings Pupil Behaviour and Well Being § To monitor and review the attendance, punctuality, behaviour (including detentions) and wellbeing of all pupils in the Year group § Attend a fortnightly meeting with the attendance officer to discuss students under 90% attendance and decide what appropriate actions to take § To train as a DSL, act as a safeguarding lead for Year 8 & 9 alongside the lead DSL for the school and maintain safeguarding records for the year group on MyConcerns § To promote the effective tracking of behaviour on SIMS, including monitoring detentions § To promote the rewards system including House Points and the effective tracking on SIMS § To respond appropriately to any concerns raised by parents, Form Tutors or subject teachers, other pupils or by the individual student § To consult with the Deputy Heads on particularly sensitive issues, for example those which may involve exclusion or Child Protection procedures: to keep the Headmaster fully informed of developments § To coordinate investigations into incidents involving pupils in Year 8 & 9 and report to the Deputy Head (Pastoral) as appropriate. To ensure that such incidents are accurately and fully recorded on pupil records § To co-ordinate the successful induction of new pupils § To attend assemblies and organise, where appropriate, Year group meetings § To contribute to supervision arrangements during the day, especially in the cloakroom area § To liaise with the school's SENCO, learning assistants and external agencies as required to support pupil progress and wellbeing Pastoral Management § To lead and manage the team of Form Tutors, holding meetings where appropriate and induct new form teachers § To lead and organise a programme of structured Form Time activities § To oversee the academic and extra-curricular tracking of Year 8 & 9, in liaison with the School Data Manager § To prepare the annual Pastoral Report; to meet with the Deputy Head (Pastoral) and Headmaster to discuss the Report § To work with Form Tutors and the Deputy Head (Pastoral) in dealing with the more serious academic and disciplinary issues § To monitor the quality of subject and Form Tutor reports § To contribute to the development of the school's programme for PSHE and Citizenship for Year 8 & 9 § To work with the Deputy Head (Pastoral) in planning and recording the use of the Pupil Premium § To support the team of Form Tutors in their personal professional development (where relevant to their pastoral role) § Take part in regular Pastoral Supervision meetings
§ To choose the Year 9 prize-winners for the Intermediate Presentation Evening. To work with the Head of Year 10 to arrange the Intermediate Presentation Evening. To attend the evening § To allocate pupils to forms § To plan and lead the Y9 Induction Evening § To work with the Head of Year 10 to allocate pupils to Year 10 forms § To lead and organise the GCSE options process § To devise and update annually the guidance booklet provided for form teachers and all new Year 9 pupils What the school offers its staff The Trust offers a competitive benefits package for Teachers, including:
- Pay and terms and conditions in line with nationally agreed terms and conditions.
- Membership of a regulated Pension Scheme.
- Access to training courses and funding towards role-related professional qualifications for eligible employees.
- A programme of Continuing Professional Development, including apprenticeships.
- Free parking on the School site.
- Free access to the school gym (where applicable).
- Free access to an Employee Assistance Programme offering free, 24-hour confidential assistance.
- Long service award after 25 years' continuous service.
- A cycle to work scheme paid through salary sacrifice, for eligible employees.
- Access to Birmingham Hospital Saturday Fund (BHSF) for cashback on health-related purchases.
- Annual flu vaccinations.
- Death in service benefit provided through pension provider.
- UAC discounted summer camps - 50% off fees. These non-contractual benefits may be subject to change at any time. Commitment to safeguarding