payroll administrator

Claremont Fan Court School, Esher, Surrey

payroll administrator


Claremont Fan Court School, Esher, Surrey

  • Part time
  • Permanent
  • Onsite working

Posted 2 weeks ago, 27 Feb | Get your application in now before you miss out!

Closing date: Closing date not specified

job Ref: 0bb81c81322f4cd1bb4d65c3fcd5f818

Full Job Description

Following a review three new roles have beencreated within the finance department; financeassistant (purchases), finance assistant (billing) anda payroll administrator.Working as part of the dedicated, collaborativefinance team delivering exceptional, customerfocusedservice to the Claremont community, thepayroll administrator will provide a comprehensiveand effective professional payroll and pensionservice., In this new role the payroll administrator will

  • Perform regular audits of payroll records to
  • work on all aspects of payroll, primarily ensuring verify accuracy and resolve discrepancies in acompliance with relevant rules and legislation, timely manner.maintaining employee records and assisting with
  • Ensure compliance with payroll regulations,
  • payroll related enquiries. and stay informed on updates to applicable tax,This role will be line managed by the head of pension and other relevant legislative The payroll administrator will provide an
  • Carry out monthly reconciliations of relevant
  • efficient, friendly and helpful service to the school control, ensuring all tasks are dealt with in a
  • Oversee statutory and contractual familytimely
  • manner. friendly pay, including maternity, paternity, adoption, and shared parental leave,
  • Act as the primary point of contact for payroll
  • Administer end-to-end payroll processing for inquiries from employees, addressing questions
  • all employees, including salary calculations, related to salaries, deductions, and other payrolldeductions, benefits, taxes, pensions and other related matters. adjustments.
  • Collaborate with the HR department to ensure
  • Prepare and submit accurate monthly payroll that payroll adjustments are accurately reflected
  • reports to the Head of Finance, including payroll for new hires, terminations, promotions, and summaries and deductions. other changes.
  • Ensure accurate and timely payments, reports Assist Head of Finance with payroll modelling,
  • and returns to HMRC, including RTI submissions pay benchmarking and pay gap reporting as and annual year-end reporting. required.
  • Manage the administration of the school's Identify areas for improving payroll processes
  • various pension schemes, including managing and recommend or implement solutions. the monthly Teachers Pension MCR submissions,
  • Maintain up to date operating procedures for all
  • other pension submissions and preparing annual areas of responsibility. returns.

  • A good standard of education, especially in
  • English and Maths at least to GCSE level
  • A relevant payroll qualification would be
  • advantageousSkills, knowledge and experience:
  • Previous experience of managing and
  • administering a complex payroll is essential, ideally in the school sector with multiple terms and conditions
  • A strong understanding of computerised payroll
  • systems and principles (the school uses MHR iTrent)
  • Experience of working within a busy team
  • Strong organisation and time management skills
  • with the ability to be proactive, resourceful, versatile and flexible
  • Good accuracy and attention to detail
  • Enthusiastic and self-motivated
  • Able to use initiative with the ability to take
  • ownership of tasks and see them finished on time and to a high standard with minimal,
  • Strong team player with excellent interpersonal
  • skills
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Excellent IT skills with good working knowledge
  • of Excel
  • Professional, friendly, polite and helpful approach
  • Committed to promoting the safeguarding and
  • wellbeing of children
  • Exhibit tact, discretion and diplomacy and
  • the ability to maintain the highest levels of confidentiality at all times, acting in line with GDPR
  • High standards of personal and professional
  • integrity
  • Experience of working in a school environment
  • is advantageous but not essentialValues based behaviours
  • Able to demonstrate the behaviours associated
  • with our ethos and values of respect, integrity and collaboration

    Claremont Fan Court School (Claremont) hasundergone significant transformation over thepast five years, marked by strong pupil growth andincreased staffing. The finance team plays a crucialrole in managing the school's day-to-day businessoperations while supporting its strategic objectivesand long-term vision.Claremont fosters a professional, supportive, andfriendly environment, valuing its staff and theircontributions. The finance department is integral tothe school's ongoing growth and development.

    a thriving, co-educational independent day schoolin Surrey for pupils aged 2½ to 18. Founded in 1922,we recently celebrated our 100th anniversary as anevolving, successful school.We are proud of Claremont Fan Court School'sstrong reputation for being a compassionate, childcentred, truly co-educational school of choicefor families seeking an academically ambitiousenvironment that educates the whole child.Set in 100 acres of historic grounds, Claremont isknown for focussing on the academic potential ofour pupils, but not at the expense of their pastoralwellbeing; for a culture that nurtures pupils' limitlesspotential, not just in exams but also in equippingthem with the skills to shape the world around themat university, in their careers and in the wider societybeyond., We prioritise, too, an understanding of characterand the way in which our relationship with othersare fundamental to our successes in life, universityand careers.Where else, within a school bus ride from south westLondon, can children from 2 ½ to 18 balance forestschools with further maths, lacrosse with the pursuitof a medical career, learning history in a buildingthat made history or playing rugby while designingfor a fashion show.Teachers, staff, pupils and their families areexpected to support and extend the atmosphereof respect, courtesy, the love of learning and thevalue of friendship that is held dear at ClaremontFan Court School. This peaceful and purposefulintent extends throughout every lesson and into thepastoral and co-curricular activities we offer., Our mission guides the ethos of the school and is aprimary document for all who work at the school.
  • To provide an environment where the Godgiven
  • potential of every individual is recognised and valued. With this recognition comes the expectation of high personal achievement and moral standards and a developing awareness of our individual responsibility to each other and our world
  • To maintain a broad and forward-looking
  • curriculum in which pupils are encouraged to think independently to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world
  • To encourage our pupils to awaken to all that is
  • good and true within and around them in their spiritual journey of self- discovery
  • To equip our pupils with a strong set of values
  • for future decision making
  • The following values are fundamental to
  • everything we do: courtesy, respect, trust, moral integrity, self discipline, love for God and man
  • The School embraces the whole Claremont
  • family: pupils, parents, guardians, staff and governors in its mission, vision and ethosVisionIn accordance with our mission, Claremont FanCourt develops individuals who are outstandingcitizens, aware of their responsibility to others andcontribute positively to global society.We realise this by being a high-quality school ofchoice where young people achieve more than theythink is possible.EthosGoodness underpins this school. Teachers, staff,pupils and their families are expected to supportand extend the atmosphere of respect, courtesy,the love of learning and the value of friendship thatis held dear at Claremont Fan Court School. Thispeaceful and purposeful intent extends throughoutevery lesson and into the pastoral and co-curricularactivities we offer.Young people leave Claremont Fan Court Schoolas confident, contributing and caring members ofthe global community. They cherish the values thatequip them to make a positive contribution and be aforce for good in the world., location and is a warm and welcoming community.Professional standards are high, and we encourageongoing training and personal development.The school is located just outside Esher in Surreyand is easily accessible from the A3, M3 and M25with ample free staff parking. The nearest trainstation is Claygate which is a 25-minute walk, withlocal bus services also available.Esher and its neighbouring towns offer easy accessto both central London and the stunning Surreycountryside, offering a feeling of space whilstbeing only a stone's throw from London and all thefacilities a capital city has to offer.The local area has a mix of leisure activitiesavailable. Both the historic palace at Hampton Courtand the beautiful gardens at RHS Wisley are nearby,as well as Sandown Racecourse. There are many artsvenues (theatres, cinemas, live music) and sportsclubs in the surrounding area and for cyclists there isaccess to some of the finest roads.Benefits include group personal pension plan - theschool makes a generous contribution with a 3%employee contribution 5 x salary life assurance,cycle to work scheme as well as complimentarylunches and refreshments during term time.Terms and conditionsHours:Part-time role, 18.75 hours a week which can beworked flexibly between the working hours of 8amto 6pm, Monday to Friday, throughout the year. Thiscould be worked over three, four or five days andequates to a 0.5 FTE., Circa £30,000 - £35,000 p.a. (FTE) dependent onskills and experience. Actual salary £15,000 - £17,500per annum.Holiday:25 days per year plus bank holidays, pro-rata to 12.5days

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