Rota Co-ordinator

306 North London NHS Foundation Trust, City of Westminster

Rota Co-ordinator

Salary not available. View on company website.

306 North London NHS Foundation Trust, City of Westminster

  • Full time
  • Permanent
  • Onsite working

Posted today, 13 Mar | Get your application in now to be one of the first to apply.

Closing date: Closing date not specified

job Ref: da713fcccfb04b73a2b16839c6ccbb98

Full Job Description

The post holder will have a key role in the deployment of the medical workforce across the Partnership. Working alongside other post holders they will assist in the management of Medical Rota's and Rosters to ensure safe and effective service planning and cover. The post holder will be responsible for the co-ordination, production and management of multiple doctor's Rosters and Rota's within the framework of the Working Time Directive (WTD). In addition you will be expected to cover other rotas and support other colleagues when on leave or during busy periods.
The post holder will also support clinical team roll-outs, successfully implementing the full functionality of the eRostering system including self-service, roster creation, roster administration, roster analysis/ approval, time and attendance, management dashboards, bank module and validating rosters for payroll.
The post holder will also provide operational support with the medical workforce, including arranging local inductions, setting up interviews helping with absence management and working closely with HR and temporary staffing to reduce bank and agency spend. There will also be opportunities to support with projects on-going within the boroughs.
The Rota Coordinator will work with Supervisors and the Trust's SRTT lead in supporting and enhancing the experience of doctors returning to training/practice., Rota Administration
· Maintain, update and publish out of hours rotas on the e-roster system and in other formats to required parties on a daily basis including but not limited to all trainee rotas, consultant rota and section 12 rota.
· Ensure future and current rota gaps are identified; escalated and temporary cover is sought using the internal bank or external agencies via NHSP and contingency plans are agreed and in place.
· Use all systems required to excel in the role including but not limited to healthroster.
· Respond to any queries escalating or signposting as necessary providing excellent customer service to all.
· Liaise with the Medical workforce team, trainee representatives, on-call consultants and Clinical Directors in the production of a safe rota and ensure it is distributed in a timely manner meeting code of practise and escalating any risks.
· Identify rota issues and escalate to medical workforce or clinical directors as necessary.
· Ensure rotas and safe and compliant not breaching rest rules, working with medical workforce colleagues when unsure.
· Providing complex information (complex Rosters and Rotas) to medical staff to them where persuasive, motivational and negotiating skills are needed. Doctors requests often conflict with the staffing needs of the department. Responding to requests for swaps, leave etc.
· Organising prospective cover where needed
· Proactively acting and thinking creatively when needed to help fill staff gaps on the Roster / Rota (ie offering different shift hours, uplifting hourly pay to reflect additional duties, sending doctors home to come back and cover out of hours shifts) to avoid the need for Bank and Agency cover.
Locum and Agency Administration
· Support the recruitment of locum agency and bank staff, following necessary processes and procedures
· Ensuring agency and bank usage and spend is recorded and share the reports with relevant parties as required.
· Adhere to all trust and nationally agreed rules / terms and conditions around the use of bank and agency staff.
· Ensure IT logins, IT system access and laptops are requested and available for doctors.
· Put in systems and guides for out of hours agency and bank doctors to access relevant systems.
· Ensure local induction guides are in place for out of hours doctors who haven't worked in one of our sites.
· Collecting and scanning CVs on behalf of medical managers, checking right to work and GMC before sending for approval.
· Work with the services and clinical directors to reduce bank and agency spend by supporting with recruitment, identifying gaps, working on plans and strategies and keeping up to date with the medical establishments.
Healthroster Administration
· Monitoring of the use of annual and study leave for all staff ensuring that the correct level of cover is provided at all times, liaising with the Education Leads and Medical workforce and healthroster system teams.
· Ensure all doctors record all leave and absence on the healthroster system, liaising with admin staff who do this within the services and working with the healthroster team to train doctors to record their leave.
· Manage requests for planned annual leave and identifying impact upon capacity and make decisions on whether leave is allowed dependent on service needs. Monitor and track annual leave usage via the eRostering system highlight any discrepancies or concerns.
· Manage requests for study leave -seeking course relevance approval from required Clinical Supervisors and forwarding to appropriate department/manager for financial approval - raising any concerns. Monitor and track study leave usage via the eRostering system, highlight any discrepancies or concerns.
· Ensure individual doctors working patterns are added to healthroster
· Finalise rosters and ensure they are accurate and up to date
Absence Management
· Being a point of contact for sickness reporting, to be recorded appropriately and to ensure sickness cover for rotas and wards/services is sought.
· Ensure return to work meetings happen between clinical supervisor and doctor.
· Support referrals to Occupational health as required
· Be aware and up to date on absence policies and process.
· Liaise and escalate to HR when doctors trigger formal absence management procedures and support Consultants and Clinical directors with these processes as required including minute taking at some meetings.
· Support with putting in reasonable adjustments where agreed.
· Sending regular sickness reports to clinical directors, service managers and medical directors.
Recruitment and Induction Planning
· Support with recruitment
· Arranging local inductions for new starters with their services and for their out of hours rotas if applicable.
· Ensuring all doctors have IT access and laptops from start date.
· Liaising with medical workforce and education to identify junior doctor gaps in the services and leading this recruitment.
· Attending Junior doctor inductions to discuss any rota issues.
· Working with medical workforce to ensure establishment information is up to date.
Service Support and Management
· Support the completion of change, new starter, expenses, leavers, and any other payroll forms as required.
· Provide pastoral support to all medical staff, signposting them to necessary support and escalating concerns when required. This will require the development of strong relationships with key stakeholders.
· Organise social and team building events for medical staff
· Suggest improvements to own work, policies and processes that impact medical workforce and develop strategies, plans and policies for whole medical workforce.
· The role will manage projects and proactively develop services in a complex,
· dynamic environment. The role will be supported to facilitate change programmes.
3.1 Financial responsibility
· Order stock and stationary as required.
· Oversight of budget on behalf of Clinical directors, ensuring information on bank and agency spend is collected and up to date in liaison with temporary staffing and medical workforce teams.
· Act as delegated authoriser for bank and agency locums.
· Contribute the financial sustainability programme, ensuring most cost effective rota management whilst maintaining high standards of patient care.
· Working within the Trust current rate card, obtaining best value for money whilst ensuring rates are appropriate to the doctor's grade. Applying to Senior Management for escalated rate approval as appropriate and following NHSI/E guidelines. Negotiating rates and commissions with agencies and getting the best deal on rates and commission
· Monitor taxi useage for doctors and audit monthly.
3.2 Responsibility for IT and Digital Systems/Services
· Produce complex reports for service and ensure data inputted is accurate.

2. Research And Development
· Under take audits as required by the service.

3. General
+ All staff are responsible for the continual compliance with CQC standards and outcomes.
+ The postholder must be aware of, and work in line with, the Trust's Safeguarding Adults and Children procedures.

Thank you for your interest for the North London NHS Foundation Trust (NLFT), it is an exciting time to join us and being part of our journey to improve mental health care across North London and deliver excellent services to our local people. We will achieve this through the North London Way, as we:
+ Collaborate at every level by living our Values to create the right conditions for us all to work together.
+ Develop our new Trust culture, to help make our new Trust a great place to work and to receive great care.
+ Empower our teams to lead the planned improvements in our services, by skilling them and giving them the tools to make the changes.
+ Focus on delivering excellence at every level to improve our performance and ensure consistently high-quality care across all our services.
+ Ensure that research, Quality Improvement, and technology lead the way and are embedded in our services.
+ Take a trauma informed approach to everything we do
We proactively welcome diversity in our workforce and pride ourselves on being an inclusive employer. We aim to recruit from our local communities and provide opportunities to all including apprenticeships, veterans, care leavers and more.
The North London Way to deliver, Better Mental Health, Better Lives, Better Communities.
Our trust website is:, North London NHS Foundation Trust (NLFT) is committed to improving mental health care across North London to deliver excellent services to our local people.
Our Five-Year Strategy:
1. We will provide consistently high-quality care closer to home.
2. With our partners in North London and each borough we will ensure equity of outcome for all
3. We will offer great places to work, providing staff with supportive environment to deliver outstanding care.
4. We will be more effective as an organisation by pioneering research, quality improvement and technology.
+ We develop and retain our staff through leadership behaviours and managers programme and many more opportunities.
+ We promote flexible working and support staff with a range of health and wellbeing initiatives.
+ NHS Discounts, generous annual leave and NHS pension scheme
+ Excellent internal staff network
The post holder will be aligned with our Values:
+ We Are Kind
+ We Are Respectful
+ We Work Together
+ We Keep Things Simple
+ We Empower
+ We Are Proudly Diverse
In order to meet the needs of the Trust you may be required from time to time to work at different locations to your normal place of work. This may mean that you are required to work at any location that fall under Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey or Islington. The Trust reserves the right to require staff to work at such other places or locations as it considers reasonable and necessary on a temporary or permanent basis.

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