School Teacher

Claremont Fan Court School, Esher, Surrey

School Teacher

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Claremont Fan Court School, Esher, Surrey

  • Full time
  • Permanent
  • Onsite working

Posted 2 weeks ago, 2 Mar | Get your application in now before you miss out!

Closing date: Closing date not specified

job Ref: 68b613f9f8d24c1691d6028b908ed138

Full Job Description

We are looking for a well qualified and enthusiasticteacher to join our KS1 team from September 2025.This is a full time role.Teaching and learning

  • Deliver an agreed curriculum that reflects
  • current evidence based best practice
  • Promote early talk and maths mastery across the
  • curriculum
  • Make imaginative and impactful use of
  • technology across the curriculum
  • Develop schemes of work and lesson plans to
  • achieve curricular objectives
  • Develop a learning environment through which
  • each child has an educational experience suitable for their needs
  • Work with other teachers to plan curriculum,
  • activities and special projects
  • Communicate to pupils the goals and process of
  • learning
  • Prepare and teach lessons that cater to the wide
  • range of abilities within the class
  • Teach lessons that show a balance between
  • whole class instruction, small group learning and independent learning
  • Teach lessons that demonstrate integration of
  • the various curricular concepts
  • Set and mark pupils' work according to school
  • policies
  • Give prompt and relevant feedback to pupils to
  • praise achievements and identify targets
  • Use different models of assessment to measure
  • pupils learning, plan for future learning and evaluate teaching
  • Assess pupils' learning on a regular basis in order
  • to set new targets for development, in line with school policies and procedures
  • Conduct formal and informal reporting
  • to parents in line with school policies and procedures
  • Ensure all children are learning to their full
  • potential,
  • Participate in and make an effective contribution Understand and support the ethos of the school
  • to staff meetings
  • Demonstrate a commitment to quality with
  • Attend and support school assemblies and a high regard for ethics in all aspects of daily
  • events teaching
  • Attend whole school meetings at the beginning Strive for continuous professional growth and
  • of each term, weekly staff meetings and parents' development evenings and open mornings
  • Share results of individual practice with
  • Attend in-service training sessions at school or colleagues
  • on relevant courses as appropriate during INSET
  • Maintain accurate records
  • days and on other occasions
  • Communicate with parents in a professional,
  • Cover for absent staff in designated non-contact open and supportive way regarding pupils'
  • time on a roster basis where needed progress - academic and pastoral
  • Participate in the Fan Court co-curricular Maintain wise use of resources and supplies
  • programme
  • Engage fully in the life of the school
  • Support PTA activities as appropriate Work and act professionally at all times and in
  • Team teach with other teachers in the year accordance with school policies
  • group
  • Undertake any additional tasks to support the Performance measures
  • pupils and the school as reasonably requested by the Head of the junior school The performance of the teacher will be measured by an annual performance review

  • Proven ability to create and maintain an excellent
  • rapport with children, parents and colleagues
  • Have an excellent understanding of child
  • development, especially focused on the characteristics of the primary age group
  • Create a classroom environment that nurtures
  • pupil love for learning and fosters the development of citizenship, character and social abilities
  • Be familiar with relevant information about each
  • pupil
  • Support pupils in their learning journeys
  • Maintain class discipline and safeguard pupils'
  • health and safety, The successful candidate is likely to match the
  • Show effective classroom administration and
  • following characteristics: good organisational ability
  • Excellent communication orally and in writing
  • Have a PGCE or equivalent teaching qualification with pupils, staff and parents
  • Have demonstrable experience of successful Have a commitment to a high level of pastoral
  • teaching across the primary phases care
  • Demonstrate up to date knowledge of the Be committed to providing an effective learning
  • national primary curriculum through relevant environment appropriate to the needs and teaching experience abilities of all pupils
  • Have excellent teaching skills Be committed to one's own and others' ongoing
  • The confidence and willingness to teach across professional development
  • the primary phases
  • Be able and willing to work hard with enthusiasm
  • Show excellent rapport with children and good grace
  • Have an understanding of the strategies for Be a well presented and professional person able
  • raising standards of achievement including the to inspire confidence in pupils, colleagues and systematic delivery of synthetic phonics parents
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how to use and apply Be willing to promote and be loyal to the ethos
  • assessment data to improve outcomes of the School
  • Have the ability to support pupils through the
  • integration of ICLT within the curriculum
  • Be a highly motivated and passionate educator
  • Demonstrate commitment to setting high
  • expectations in pupils

    The junior school comprises two parts: Fan Court Our curriculum is engaging, imaginative and robust.for our youngest pupils to Year 2 and Stable We provide relevant, regular and purposeful staffCourt for Year 3 to Year 6. Benefiting from first professional development to ensure our teachingrate facilities, some shared across the whole reflects the latest educational research and thatschool site, and specialist teaching in dedicated children reach their academic potential. Wespaces where appropriate, a child's time with us is encourage and support staff who show leadershipcarefully choreographed to develop confidence and aspirations and work alongside them to develop theindependence and build the foundations needed for knowledge, skills and experiences they need to buildfuture academic and all round success. their careers, whilst making a positive difference in the classroom and beyond.Fan Court is an integral part of the larger school andis located in a spacious woodland setting with its We're down to earth too - we all know that oftenown purpose built facilities and play areas. the best lessons are learnt due to the mistakes weWe care for our youngest children in spacious make and that's why we're committed to buildingclassrooms with excellent facilities, dedicated resilience and determination in our young peopleteachers and an enriching curriculum. so that they can embrace every opportunity that presents itself to learn: about ourselves, aboutValues for life are taught in a supportive, nurturing others, and about the world in which we live.atmosphere with shared aims and aspirationsbetween home and school. Class sizes are typically We recognise the many advantages of being part18 pupils per class and are each supported by a of a co-educational through school. Pastoral anddedicated teaching assistant. There is a purpose academic links across the whole school are strong,built swimming pool, sports hall and library. offering many opportunities for student enrichmentSpecialist staff teach French, PE, games, music, and professional dialogue. A feature of workingcomputing and Forest School. Children are also in the junior school is the reward of watchingable to take part in a wide variety of co-curricular the pupils as they continue to grow and progressactivities after school to enrich learning and developthrough the school.skills outside the classroom.

    a thriving, co-educational independent day schoolin Surrey for pupils aged 2½ to 18. Founded in 1922,we recently celebrated our 100th anniversary as anevolving, successful school.We are proud of Claremont Fan Court School'sstrong reputation for being a compassionate, childcentred, truly co-educational school of choicefor families seeking an academically ambitiousenvironment that educates the whole child.Set in 100 acres of historic grounds, Claremont isknown for focussing on the academic potential ofour pupils, but not at the expense of their pastoralwellbeing; for a culture that nurtures pupils' limitlesspotential, not just in exams but also in equippingthem with the skills to shape the world around themat university, in their careers and in the wider societybeyond., Our mission guides the ethos of the school and is aprimary document for all who work at the school.
  • To provide an environment where the Godgiven
  • potential of every individual is recognised and valued. With this recognition comes the expectation of high personal achievement and moral standards and a developing awareness of our individual responsibility to each other and our world.
  • To maintain a broad and forward-looking
  • curriculum in which pupils are encouraged to think independently to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world.
  • To encourage our pupils to awaken to all that is
  • good and true within and around them in their spiritual journey of self- discovery.
  • To equip our pupils with a strong set of values
  • for future decision making.
  • The following values are fundamental to
  • everything we do: courtesy, respect, trust, moral integrity, self-discipline, love for God and man.
  • The School embraces the whole Claremont
  • family: pupils, parents, guardians, staff and governors in its mission, vision and ethos4 | prioritise, too, an understanding of characterand the way in which our relationship with othersare fundamental to our successes in life, universityand careers.Where else, within a school bus ride from south westLondon, can children from 2 ½ to 18 balance forestschools with further maths, lacrosse with the pursuitof a medical career, learning history in a buildingthat made history or playing rugby while designingfor a fashion show.Teachers, staff, pupils and their families areexpected to support and extend the atmosphereof respect, courtesy, the love of learning and thevalue of friendship that is held dear at ClaremontFan Court School. This peaceful and purposefulintent extends throughout every lesson and into thepastoral and co-curricular activities we offer.VisionIn accordance with our mission, Claremont developsindividuals who are outstanding citizens, awareof their responsibility to others and contributepositively to global society.We realise this by being a high-quality school ofchoice where young people achieve more than theythink is possible.EthosGoodness underpins this school. Teachers, staff,pupils and their families are expected to supportand extend the atmosphere of respect, courtesy,the love of learning and the value of friendshipthat is held dear at Claremont. This peaceful andpurposeful intent extends throughout every lessonand into the pastoral and co-curricular activities weoffer.Young people leave Claremont as confident,contributing and caring members of the globalcommunity. They cherish the values that equip themto make a positive contribution and be a force forgood in the world., Claremont Fan Court School is set in a beautiful Property prices tend to be high locally but therelocation and is a warm and welcoming community. are affordable options a little further out, and manyProfessional standards are high, and we encourage staff choose to live slightly further afield.ongoing training and personal development. Claremont has its own teaching payscale and thisThe school is located just outside Esher in Surrey role will pay a competitive salary, depending onand is easily accessible from the A3, M3 and M25 experience.with ample free staff parking. The nearest trainstation is Claygate which is a 25-minute walk, with Benefits include generous contributory pensionlocal bus services also available. scheme (currently through TPS
  • ) or the option of a
  • very generous defined contribution scheme whichEsher and its neighbouring towns offer easy access offers teachers flexibility around both employer andto both central London and the stunning Surrey employee contribution levels, a generous discountcountryside, offering a feeling of space whilst on school fees (for eligible staff), cycle to workbeing only a stone's throw from London and all the scheme as well as complimentary lunches andfacilities a capital city has to offer. refreshments during term-time.The local area has a mix of leisure activities
  • The School is currently consulting with its
  • available. Both the historic palace at Hampton Court teaching staff on whether to become a phasedand the beautiful gardens at RHS Wisley are nearby, withdrawal school for the purposes of TPS. If thisas well as Sandown Racecourse. There are many arts proposal was implemented, new teachers would bevenues (theatres, cinemas, live music) and sports automatically enrolled into the Claremont Fan Courtclubs in the surrounding area and for cyclists there isSchool Group Personal Pension Scheme Aviva GPPaccess to some of the finest roads. and would not be eligible to join TPS.

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