Service Line Lead

Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, Radlett, Hertfordshire

Service Line Lead


Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, Radlett, Hertfordshire

  • Full time
  • Contract
  • Onsite working

Posted 5 days ago, 9 Mar | Get your application in now to be included in the first week's applications.

Closing date: Closing date not specified

job Ref: 202aa7b97c794c7a89b8faa105387150

Full Job Description

The Service Line Lead is responsible to the Senior Service Lead for ensuring the successful delivery of key service developments and operational performance that support the development of effective high quality Care Pathways. The postholder will cover our 3 Adult Mental Health Inpatient Rehabilitation Units at Hampden House, Gainsford House and The Beacon, alongside our Community Enhanced Rehabilitation Outreach Service (EROS) and our Commissioning, Contracting and Placement Service (CCPS)., As a member of the SBU Core Leadership team the Service Line Lead will play a leadership role in implementing the SBU's strategic goals and objectives. Particular key responsibilities will be to: -Maintain high quality inpatient services for people on the rehabilitation pathway while implementing a major programme of change. -The post holder will support the delivery of services taking account of the Trusts service transformation agenda ensuring a cohesive, effective and seamless service is provided for service users. -Support the delivery of effective 24-hour care services for the Strategic Business Unit, - Work with primary care general practitioners, HCS, SDP and 3rd Sector organisations. -Implement financial and performance plans agreed within the Strategic Business Unit. -Play a senior role in local partnerships . -Support a strong and effective team by providing clear and visible leadership and direction . -Deliver effective communication to the community served -Work with Service Leaders and other senior managers to ensure equity across HPFT in accessing services. All staff should comply with the Trust's Anti-Discriminatory Statement, Employee Charter, Trust Policies and Procedures, Code of Conduct and Equality and Diversity., Safe and Effective Service Delivery -Take responsibility for an area of service ensuring the provision of safe and high quality care as required. -Support the effective operational management of all care pathways, requiring effective liaison and co-ordination with clinicians, managers, primary care and other independent contractors. -Support the establishment of clear frameworks and processes by which the Strategic Business Unit will manage and monitor capacity on a day to day basis, ensuring effective escalation arrangements are in place to maintain safety with the ability to respond where capacity issues present a challenge. -Support the development and delivery of services for health promotion and prevention, working closely with other agencies. -Support compliance with all statutory requirements e.g. CQC, HSE and implement relevant assurance systems to demonstrate compliance Service Delivery -To work with the Service Leader to implement care pathways that deliver cohesive and effective seamless service to the service user, embedding models of recovery and creating new organisational arrangements in the form of networks and service solutions to facilitate this approach. Ensure that the voice of service users and carers is well represented in service planning and delivery -Work with primary care practitioners in a way enables the effective development of services within the Strategic Business Unit. -Support the implementation of service contracts in an efficient and effective manner ensuring that the focus remains the development and continuous improvement of services to service users. -Support the spread of Best Practice to deliver improvements in quality for service users and reduction in demand in secondary care. -Support the work with local authorities and other public services to build community-wide alliances with the public, service users, carers and their representatives, to support the development of locally appropriate services, ensuring the views of service users inform the planning and delivery of services. Working Relationships and Communication Requirements of the Job Working relationships GP Commissioning Service users and their relatives/carers Executive Board Senior clinicians, directors and management team Other NHS organisations Local Authorities Third Sector employers Local and national voluntary organisations Staff representatives and trade unions The public Professional and regulatory bodies Service Line Lead JD & PS October 2023 Final version Independent Contractors Media Educational institutions (higher and further) Criminal Justice Agencies Governance Responsibility -Ensure high standards of staff governance are maintained, adhering to standards laid down in NHS code of conduct for managers and professional standards. -Support effective practice governance arrangements. -Support effective arrangements for managing incidents and complaints, with a focus on lessons learned. -Represent the Trust at formal processes where the safety and appropriateness of services is under external scrutiny. -Operate within the HPFT's Standing Orders, Standing Financial Instructions and Scheme of Delegation at all times. -Ensure effective utilisation information systems to appropriately manage all types of data/records across the Business Unit. -Support the use of feedback from service users and carers to inform performance management and planning, ensuring that local processes are robust, practical and serve the interests of service users. -Ensure involvement of senior clinicians and professional leads in local practice governance to ensure high standards of care are provided. Leadership and Staff Management Responsibility -Work as part of a strong and effective service team, inspiring others, providing visible leadership and direction for staff working within the Strategic Business Unit. -Support service modernisation and improvement to ensure effective use of resources and the reduction of waste, variation and harm. -Support innovative ideas and suggestions for improvement acting upon these when appropriate. Routinely promote the work of the SBU through exposure to national awards and recognition -Maintain and improve own knowledge, learning and ability to excel in the role setting an example for others. -Provide effective leadership across area of responsibility ensuring the workforce is fit for purpose and delivers objectives. -Lead organisational change to deliver and implement agreed service initiatives across the area of control as required. -Support opportunities to develop joint posts and integrated teams with other partner agencies. -Responsibility for ensuring that individual performance issues are addressed through appropriate policies and procedures. Financial responsibility -In identified areas take responsibility for financial balance (including financial resources and physical assets) and performance management. -Within area of responsibility ensure effective budgetary and resource controls and monitoring processes are in place to support delivery of financial plans, devolving budgets as appropriate but with the necessary controls in place to ensure they have an oversight of financial/workforce management on a month by month basis. -Within area of responsibility ensure that appropriate clinical and performance information is available to support aims and objectives of the Strategic Business Unit in conjunction with Informatics and Performance Teams. Service Development and Improvement -Support the Service Leader in contributing to the development of the Leading by Design programme on behalf of the service line. -Support the implementation of the Strategic Business Unit's Workforce Plan -Support the development of business cases and option appraisals that support long term service developments in accordance with national and local strategy guidance. -Support development and implementation plans and change programmes for a range of policies that impact across the organisation in order to deliver service redesign and development in line with corporate requirements. -Deliver effective communication of service plans and service delivery to large bodies of senior staff within the Trust, to external bodies and the public where such proposals impact upon the broader community. -Support local control over the estates management of the facilities and building within area of control, contributing and where required leading on the development of the Trust's estate strategy as it applies to the Strategic Business Unit.

  • First degree or equivalent and strong experience operating at a senior management level in a large complex organisation.
  • Professional qualification in a relevant area of health or social care
  • Evidence of continuous professional and management development showing a combination of short courses, structured self study or formal management courses.
  • Specialist knowledge of a number of disciplines acquired through training and experience over a significant period.
  • Desirable criteria
  • Programme and project management qualifications
  • Postgraduate management qualification at Masters level
  • Breadth of knowledge across all health and social care services from primary to tertiary care., Knowledge of National policy and standards of governance.
  • Knowledge of NHS and local Government strategies, policies and plans, in particular those linked with the reshaping of Mental Health and Learning Disability services.
  • Experience of planning and implementing service change.
  • Experience of working with clinicians and multi professional teams in achieving service improvement.
  • Experience of working with partners and stakeholders in delivering changes to services.
  • Extensive experience of working at a senior level in a large, complex organisation.
  • Experience of managing staff and working with staff TUs/staff representatives.
  • Track record in delivering financial plans and budgetary management
  • Evidence of achieving targets and objectives within a challenging environment.
  • Motivating, coaching and developing individuals to achieve their potential.
  • Ability to describe a clear sense of direction and purpose to motivate and enthuse staff and stakeholders.
  • Able to organise own workload and that of the team to meet objectives and operate effectively.
  • Desirable criteria
  • Understanding of contracts and performance procedures.
  • Knowledge of local statutory planning frameworks
  • Current knowledge of best practice gained through personal research
  • Experience of working closely with Commissioners to inform and implement policy initiatives., You must have appropriate UK professional registration.

    Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT) is an
  • exceptional organisation with big ambitions, our aim is to be the leading provider of mental health and specialist learning disability services in the country. - With a workforce of around 3,500 people and an annual income of some £330million this year, the Trust provides integrated health and social care services through a network of community and inpatient settings, serving diverse communities across Buckinghamshire, Essex, Hertfordshire and Norfolk. -Whilst it is a challenging period for the NHS, there has never been a more exciting time to join HPFT following our CQC rating of Outstanding awarded to us in April 2019. Our Services We provide mental health and social care services - including Adults of Working Age, Older Adults, Children and Adolescents and Specialist Learning Disabilities services. The Trust works in close partnership with Hertfordshire County Council and also with other NHS organisations to promote and support mental health in the community. We also provide specialist learning disability services in Norfolk and North Essex., Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT) is rated by the Care Quality Commission as an Outstanding provider of mental health and learning disability services. In 2021, we won the prestigious Health Service Journal award for Mental Health Trust of the Year, with the judges saying they were "blown away" by our people's achievements and that everything they saw "sings and hums". This year, our staff rated us the 4^th best mental health and learning disability trust to work for out of all 52 trusts in the country. Our staff tell us that they are proud to be part of the HPFT team, proud of the standard of care we provide and proud that service users are our top priority. Our people tell us they feel supported though a great development, wellbeing and work-life balance offer and a highly compassionate, values-driven culture. We are equally proud of our staff, who live our values of being welcoming, kind, positive, respectful and professional

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