Teacher of English
Shropshire, Shrewsbury, Shropshire
Teacher of English
Salary not available. View on company website.
Shropshire, Shrewsbury, Shropshire
- Full time
- Permanent
- Onsite working
Posted 1 week ago, 21 Mar | Get your application in now before you're too late!
Closing date: Closing date not specified
job Ref: 76b40fb19bb645a3ba4767128d11aab8
Full Job Description
- Plan, prepare, resource and Manage behaviour in accord- Carry out supervision duties deliver lessons in subjects as ance with the school proce- before school, at morning break directed by the school timeta- dures and policies. and at the end of the school ble. day in accordance with the
- Be responsible for the manage- school Duty Rota and the whole
- Contribute to the delivery of ment of the classroom and to school detention rota. cross-curricular themes and provide a stimulating learning skills in line with National Cur-environment to increase the
- Adhere to all school policies riculum requirements and learning potential of students. and procedures, including those school development priorities. related to safeguarding.
- Make appropriate use of ICT to
- Adapt work and materials to enhance the delivery of the cur- Undertake specific tasks as reameet the educational needs of riculum. sonably directed by the the students' different abilities. Headteacher. This includes providing chal-
- Act as tutor or co-tutor to a lenge to all students. form group, including delivery of PSHE.
- Support the effective use of Teaching Assistants assigned to
- Participate in Progress Evework in lessons nings.
- Set regular worthwhile home- Participate in Alternative Curwork tasks to complement riculum events, leading and/or classroom learning in accord- delivering sessions as necessary ance with the school Home-
- Attend and contribute to Dework Policy and homework timetable, for each class taught.partmental meetings, pastoral team meetings, other staff meetings and Professional De-
- Carry out marking, assessment velopment days as required. and recording of students' work
- Participate in Appraisal procein line with school policy. dures as required by the school
- Adhere to the data / record policy. keeping systems across the
- Undergo observations and parschool and use appropriate data to inform target setting for ticipate in in-service training as individual students. part of Continuing Professional Development.
- Produce reports on students' work as required by the school
- Direct and support the work of reporting arrangements Associate Teachers and Graduate Teachers as appropriate.
- Contribute to the writing of schemes of work and develop-
- Contact parents/carers about ment of new courses and mate- student performance / issues rials (as appropriate) both to redress shortcomings and to
- Maintain up to date subject acknowledge success. knowledge and draw upon it as
- Take the register promptly via necessary to deliver high quality teaching and learning. Go4Schools.
- English or related subject Qualified Teacher Status
- Experience Experience of teaching English Experience of teaching in a mixed
- at secondary level (successful comprehensive school teaching practice acceptable) Experience of teaching Drama at KS3 Skills & Abilities Observed Passion for English
- Commitment to raising
- Interview standards and to gaining the best outcomes for all students References Ability to inspire and motivate
- students Application Commitment to using ICT to
- maximise learning Commitment to Safeguarding
- Ability to work as a team player
- Ability to work on own initiative
- Strong organisational skills
- Flexibility and commitment to
- own CPD Effective Communicator
- Good inter-personal skills
Karol Bywater, Business and Operations We are so proud of our daughter, her resilience Manager, or myself, at the school. Visits to has improved tremendously since being at the school can also be arranged by Belvidere, as has her self-confidence so a HUGE contacting Karol Bywater. thank you to all staff for helping her achieve In September 2024 we moved into a brand this." new school building, opening a new chapter Parent in the life of Belvidere School. Our school More information about the school and values - Belong, Believe, Success - lie at theadditional documentation can be accessed via heart of everything we do. We work hard to our school website at ensure we provide the best education for all www.belvidereschool.co.uk of our students, providing them with the keys to unlock a bright future. We believe that a Once again, thank you for your interest, and I significant contributory factor to the successlook forward to receiving your application., Belvidere is a successful, oversubscribed 11-16 comprehensive school in the county town of Shrewsbury. We have high expectations for students at our school and we are looking for someone who will share our vision and ambitions for all students. In September 2024 we moved into our brand new, state-of-the-art school building, opening up a new chapter in the life of Belvidere School., Belvidere School serves the local community on the East side of Shrewsbury, County Town of Shropshire. We have a truly comprehensive intake, and almost all of our students walk to school. There are approximately 850 students on roll. Belvidere School is situated in the historic townlinked with our appraisal procedures, and the of Shrewsbury, in the beautiful county of school's development. This enables colleagues Shropshire, a short distance from the Welsh from different subject areas to work closely border, but with excellent motorway and rail together on areas of identified need. We links to the West Midlands and beyond. recognise that we have a range of experience We are very much a school of choice with local and expertise within the staff and therefore parents, and the school has been the sessions are delivered by a variety of oversubscribed for many years. different people, sharing good practice throughout the school. " Sincere thanks for all that the school and individual people have done to make both my We are very proud of our school, and hope you daughters' school lives mostly joyful, eternally will feel inspired to want to join our success memorable and shaping both their minds and story. A new chapter of this story began in futures in ways we can all only begin to guess September 2024 when we moved into our at, especially this year with respect for all thatbrand new, state-of-the-art school building. you have done for them. Thank you, thank "Thank you for your support as a school. I you, thank you." Parent know my children are in a good place in Visitors to Belvidere School always comment on Belvidere and both doing well and that the warm, positive, friendly welcome, and the you are working hard as a school to meet calm purposeful working atmosphere in the all the year groups provision academically school. We believe this is essential in ensuring and pastorally. Well done to your staff for our students make the excellent progress that their hard work and dedication." they achieve. Parent We have a clear commitment to the continuing professional development of all staff. Throughout the year, teaching staff are involved in a variety of CPD sessions, closely, "My son has had a wonderful school experience at Belvidere - be it theatre trips, excursions to France, visiting the World War 1 trenches, Berlin, Sports Days, the amazing school productions, music performances. The list is seemingly endless. We are very grateful for all of the experiences that Belvidere has offered to him, and we recognise that this is completely above and beyond the important work carried out in the classroom." Parent
useful in compiling your application, but "I'm very happy with my son's progress, he should you wish to discuss the position enjoys school and loves to learn. I'm very happy further, please don't hesitate to contact with the school and the education he receives., We wish to appoint a talented and inspirational Teacher of English. The post will be permanent, and full-time. The successful candidate will be able to teach English at Key Stages 3 and 4. The ability to teach some Drama at KS3 would be desirable., English Teacher Assessed by, Qualifications First Degree or equivalent in
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