Deputy Director: Head of Strategy and Corporate Services (Ref: 79)
Independent Monitoring Authority, Folly Gate, Devon
Deputy Director: Head of Strategy and Corporate Services (Ref: 79)
Salary not available. View on company website.
Independent Monitoring Authority, Folly Gate, Devon
- Full time
- Permanent
- Onsite working
Posted 2 weeks ago, 5 Dec | Get your application in now before you miss out!
Closing date: Closing date not specified
job Ref: b91f8381332b4d40ba4e49ad7f5c061c
Full Job Description
The Deputy Director: Head of Strategy and Corporate Services for the IMA is responsible for strategic planning, co-ordinating strategy, and continuous improvement across the IMA whilst also providing effective oversight of shared services and a range of corporate services within the IMA to enable the organisation to discharge its corporate responsibilities in accordance with recognised good corporate standards. These comprise of people, systems and processes.
The post reports to the Director of Governance and Corporate Services and plays a key leadership role to ensure that:
+ our strategy is developed and embedded across the IMA; and
+ the appropriate corporate infrastructure is in place and working to support the operation of the IMA.
The post holder will be supported by subject matter experts within the Corporate Services team. The Corporate Services team is responsible for:
+ High quality, transparent, timely planning and reporting arrangements, including to the Ministry of Justice as Sponsor Department for the IMA.
+ High standard commercial, people and Information and Technology support services for staff employed by the IMA.
+ Robust processing and data protection legal responsibilities.
+ Effective facilities and estate management including health and safety obligations.
+ Ensuring the effective delivery of the IMAs people strategy.
+ Effective commercial management and reporting arrangements.
+ Support of key change initiatives within the IMA as required.
The post-holder will be the lead contact and manager of a team which will manage and ensure effective Shared Services support arrangements between the IMA and MoJ. These arrangements will cover people, pay, data and ICT services.
The post-holder will be responsible for:
+ Leading the development of the IMAs current and future strategies through effective facilitation, reporting structures and continuous improvement methodologies.
+ Supporting the delivery of change management to ensure effective end to end processes are in place to comply with governance and contractual requirements.
+ Reporting to and supporting the Director of Governance and Corporate Services on the development and implementation of organisation-wide corporate arrangements and structures.
+ Ensuring all aspects of knowledge and information management, including data protection are embedded across the IMA and aligned with organisational policies and procedures, including:
o Developing and implementing a knowledge and information management (KIM) strategy.
o Enabling the IT function within the IMA that supports service delivery, case management services and the KIM strategy, in conjunction with our sponsoring body the MoJ.
o Managing third party Shared Services in ensuring fulfilment of contractual arrangements.
+ Enabling the development of the IMAs people strategy that ensures the ongoing availability of high quality, appropriately skilled staff to meet evolving business needs, including resource and succession planning, effective training arrangements for staff and ensuring relevant and ongoing continuous professional development support. This will include:
o Ensuring the delivery of key people services (e.g. recruitment, performance management, learning and development, staff led wellbeing and inclusion initiatives, and the annual pay remit).
o Ensuring the maintenance and contractual requirements of estates including the management and planning of office moves and health and safety legal obligations relating to the protection of the workforce, equipment and environmental considerations.
o Enabling the maintenance of effective commercial systems and processes for the IMA, with a focus on the principles of Managing Public Money.
o Managing risks across corporate services in alignment with the IMAs risk management policy.
o Acting as the Senior Responsible Officer for assigned projects
o Acting as competent Health and Safety representative for the IMA.
o Chairing relevant group and committee meetings effectively.
o Direct line management of 4 individuals who manage functional teams.
The duties/responsibilities listed above describe the post and are not intended to be exhaustive.
Person specification
To be successful in this role it is likely that youll be, We'll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:
o Leadership
o Making Effective Decisions
o Managing a Quality Service
o Changing and Improving
o Seeing the Big Picture, Andrew Bagley, Director of Governance and Corporate Services will chair the recruitment process. In addition, the panel will comprise:
o A member of the IMA Board
o An independent panel member (either from within the IMA or from another department).
The panel will be finalised when candidates are invited to interview.
Shortlist: The panel will assess your application to select those demonstrating the best fit with the role by considering the evidence you have provided against the criteria set out in the Person Specification. Failure to address any or all of these may affect your application.
Assessment: If you are shortlisted, you will be asked to take part in a series of assessments which will include a staff engagement exercise and a written assessment or presentation. These assessments will not result in a pass or fail decision. Rather they are designed to support the panels decision making and highlighting areas for the panel to explore further at interview.
You will be asked to attend a panel interview in order to have a more in-depth discussion of your previous experience and professional competence in relation to the criteria set out in the Person Specification.
Full details of the assessment process will be made available to shortlisted candidates.
Feedback will only be provided if you attend an interview or assessment.
Successful candidates must undergo a criminal record check.
People working with government assets must complete baseline personnel security standard (opens in new window) checks.
Nationality requirements
This job is broadly open to the following groups:
o UK nationals
o nationals of the Republic of Ireland
o nationals of Commonwealth countries who have the right to work in the UK
o nationals of the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein and family members of those nationalities with settled or pre-settled status under the European Union Settlement Scheme (EUSS) (opens in a new window)
o nationals of the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein and family members of those nationalities who have made a valid application for settled or pre-settled status under the European Union Settlement Scheme (EUSS)
o individuals with limited leave to remain or indefinite leave to remain who were eligible to apply for EUSS on or before 31 December 2020
o Turkish nationals, and certain family members of Turkish nationals, who have accrued the right to work in the Civil Service
Further information on nationality requirements (opens in a new window)
o A self-starter with proven experience of being able to manage a portfolio of work effectively, with an excellent record for delivering to deadlines and taking decisions, as well as the resilience to provide challenging advice and recommendations to peers and colleagues.
o An effective communicator with strong influencing skills, including the ability to manage complex and senior relationships with a variety of stakeholders; and to distil complex technical messages to different audiences.
o An inspiring people leader and manager with the ability to attract, lead, motivate and develop colleagues at all levels to the highest standards.
o An effective and strong team player.
o Able to see the big picture and develop strategic approaches that deliver positive change.
Essential Skills
o Strong leadership and management skills, with experience of leading complex programmes of work, while thinking and acting strategically.
o Experience of planning and co-ordinating strategy and continuous improvement across teams.
o A demonstrable track record of effective and proven delivery of corporate services; leading work across key areas such as Commercial, IT, HR, Estates, Health & Safety, Knowledge and Information Management.
o A proven track record of delivering a high standard of professional service, and ability to coordinate resources based on competing demands.
o Effective decision maker, confident in making evidence-based decisions that can withstand scrutiny and challenge.
o Proven ability to lead and develop high performing teams.
We'll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:
o Leadership
o Making Effective Decisions
o Managing a Quality Service
o Changing and Improving
o Seeing the bigger picture
For more information on these behaviours at Grade 6 visit: Success Profiles: Civil Service behaviours - GOV.UK
Rydyn nin sicrhau bod hawliau dinasyddion yr UE ac EEA-EFTA, ac aelodau ou teuluoedd, wrth wraidd gwaith cyrff cyhoeddus y DU.
Diben y swydd
Y Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr: Pennaeth Strategaeth a Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol ar gyfer yr IMA syn gyfrifol am gynllunio strategol, cydlynu strategaethau a gwelliant parhaus ar draws yr IMA tran rhoi trosolwg effeithiol o gydwasanaethau ac ystod o wasanaethau corfforaethol o fewn yr IMA i alluogi'r sefydliad i gyflawni ei gyfrifoldebau corfforaethol yn unol â safonau corfforaethol da cydnabyddedig. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys pobl, systemau a phrosesau.
Maer swydd yn adrodd ir Cyfarwyddwr Llywodraethu a Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol ac yn chwarae rôl arweinyddiaeth allweddol i sicrhau bod y strategaeth yn cael ei datblygu a'i gwreiddio ar draws yr IMA a bod y seilwaith corfforaethol priodol ar waith ac yn gweithio i gefnogi gweithrediad yr IMA. Bydd deiliad y swydd yn cael ei gefnogi gan arbenigwyr pwnc o fewn y tîm Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol.
Maer tîm Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol yn gyfrifol am y canlynol:
o Trefniadau cynllunio ac adrodd o ansawdd uchel, tryloyw, a phrydlon, gan gynnwys i'r Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder fel Adran Nawdd yr IMA.
o Gwasanaethau cymorth masnachol, pobl a Thechnoleg Gwybodaeth o safon uchel ar gyfer staff a gyflogir gan yr IMA.
o Cyfrifoldebau cyfreithiol cadarn o ran prosesu a diogelu data.
o Rheoli cyfleusterau ac ystadau yn effeithiol gan gynnwys rhwymedigaethau iechyd a diogelwch.
o Sicrhau bod strategaeth pobl IMA yn cael ei chyflawni'n effeithiol.
o Trefniadau rheoli ac adrodd masnachol effeithiol.
o Cefnogi mentrau newid allweddol o fewn yr IMA yn ôl yr angen.
Deiliad y swydd fydd y prif gyswllt ar rheolwr tîm a fydd yn rheoli ac yn sicrhau trefniadau cymorth effeithiol ar gyfer y Cydwasanaethau rhwng yr IMA ar Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder. Bydd y trefniadau hyn yn cwmpasu gwasanaethau pobl, tâl, data a TGCh.
Bydd deiliad y swydd yn gyfrifol am:
o Arwain datblygiad strategaethau cyfredol yr IMA a rhair dyfodol drwy hwyluso effeithiol, strwythurau adrodd a methodolegau gwelliant parhaus.
o Cefnogi'r gwaith o reoli newid er mwyn sicrhau bod prosesau effeithiol ar waith o'r dechrau i'r diwedd er mwyn cydymffurfio â gofynion llywodraethu a chytundebol.
o Adrodd ir Cyfarwyddwr Llywodraethu a Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol au cefnogi i ddatblygu a gweithredu trefniadau a strwythurau corfforaethol ar draws y sefydliad.
o Sicrhau bod pob agwedd ar reoli gwybodaeth, gan gynnwys diogelu data, wedi'u gwreiddio ar draws yr IMA ac yn cyd-fynd â pholisïau a gweithdrefnaur sefydliad, gan gynnwys:
# Datblygu a gweithredu strategaeth rheoli gwybodaeth.
# Galluogi'r swyddogaeth TG o fewn yr IMA sy'n cefnogi darparu gwasanaethau, gwasanaethau rheoli achosion a strategaeth rheoli gwybodaeth, ar y cyd â'n corff noddi, Y Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn.
# Rheoli Cydwasanaethau trydydd parti i sicrhau bod trefniadau cytundebol yn cael eu cyflawni.
o Galluogi datblygiad strategaeth pobl yr IMA sy'n sicrhau argaeledd parhaus staff o ansawdd uchel gyda'r sgiliau priodol i ddiwallu anghenion busnes sy'n datblygu, gan gynnwys cynllunio adnoddau ac olyniaeth, trefniadau hyfforddi effeithiol ar gyfer staff a sicrhau cymorth datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus perthnasol. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys:
# Sicrhau bod gwasanaethau pobl allweddol yn cael eu darparu (e.e. recriwtio, rheoli perfformiad, dysgu a datblygu, mentrau llesiant a chynhwysiant o dan arweiniad staff, ar cylch gwaith cyflogau blynyddol.
# Sicrhau gofynion cynnal a chadw a chytundebol ystadau gan gynnwys rheoli a chynllunio symudiadau swyddfa a rhwymedigaethau cyfreithiol iechyd a diogelwch yn ymwneud â diogelu'r gweithlu, offer ac ystyriaethau amgylcheddol.
o Galluogi cynnal systemau a phrosesau masnachol effeithiol ar gyfer yr IMA, gyda phwyslais ar egwyddorion Rheoli Arian Cyhoeddus.
o Rheoli risgiau ar draws gwasanaethau corfforaethol syn cyd-fynd â pholisi rheoli risg yr IMA.
o Gweithredu fel Uwch-swyddog Cyfrifol ar gyfer prosiectau a neilltuwyd.
o Gweithredu fel cynrychiolydd Iechyd a Diogelwch cymwys ar gyfer yr IMA.
o Cadeirio cyfarfodydd grŵp a phwyllgorau perthnasol yn effeithiol.
o Bod yn rheolwr llinell uniongyrchol ar 4 unigolyn syn rheoli timau swyddogaethol.
Mae'r dyletswyddau/cyfrifoldebau a restrir uchod yn disgrifio'r swydd ac ni fwriedir iddynt fod yn rhestr gyflawn.
Manyleb Person
I fod yn llwyddiannus yn y rôl hon, byddwch yn:
o Llawn cymhelliant gyda phrofiad blaenorol o allu rheoli portffolio o waith yn effeithiol, gyda hanes gwych o gyflawni o fewn terfynau amser a gwneud penderfyniadau, yn ogystal â'r cadernid i ddarparu cyngor ac argymhellion heriol i gymheiriaid a chydweithwyr.
o Cyfathrebwr effeithiol gyda sgiliau dylanwadu cryf, gan gynnwys y gallu i reoli perthnasoedd cymhleth ac uwch gydag amrywiaeth o randdeiliaid; a chrisialu negeseuon technegol cymhleth i wahanol gynulleidfaoedd.
o Arweinydd a rheolwr ysbrydoledig gyda phobl sydd â'r gallu i ddenu, arwain, ysgogi a datblygu cydweithwyr ar bob lefel i'r safonau uchaf.
o Yn effeithiol ac yn gryf fel aelod o dîm.
o Gallu gweld y darlun mawr a datblygu dulliau strategol sy'n sicrhau newid positif.
Sgiliau Hanfodol
o Sgiliau arwain a rheoli cryf, gyda phrofiad o arwain rhaglenni gwaith cymhleth, wrth feddwl a gweithredu'n strategol.
o Profiad o gynllunio, cydlynu strategaethau a gwelliant parhaus ar draws timau.
o Hanes amlwg o fod wedi profi eu hunain wrth ddarparu gwasanaethau corfforaethol effeithiol; arwain gwaith ar draws meysydd allweddol fel Masnachol, TG, AD, Ystadau, Iechyd a Diogelwch, Gwybodaeth a Rheoli Gwybodaeth.
o Hanes blaenorol o ddarparu gwasanaeth proffesiynol o safon uchel, a'r gallu i gydlynu adnoddau yn seiliedig ar ofynion sy'n cystadlu âi gilydd.
o Gwneud penderfyniadau effeithiol, yn hyderus wrth wneud penderfyniadau syn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth a all wrthsefyll craffu a her.
o Hanes o arwain a datblygu timau sy'n perfformio'n dda.
Byddwn yn eich asesu yn erbyn yr ymddygiadau hyn yn ystod y broses ddethol:
o Arweinyddiaeth
o Gwneud Penderfyniadau Effeithiol
o Rheoli Gwasanaeth Safonol
o Newid a Gwella
o Gweld y darlun cyflawn
Am fwy o wybodaeth ynglŷn âr ymddygiadau hyn ar gyfer Gradd 6, ewch i: Proffiliau Llwyddiant: Ymddygiadau Gwasanaeth Sifil - GOV.UK, Alongside your salary of £69,330, Independent Monitoring Authority contributes £20,084 towards you being a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme. Find out what benefits a Civil Service Pension provides.