Knowledge Mobilisation Business Partner

Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (857), Broughton, North Lincolnshire

Knowledge Mobilisation Business Partner

Salary not available. View on company website.

Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (857), Broughton, North Lincolnshire

  • Full time
  • Temporary
  • Onsite working

Posted 1 week ago, 23 Dec | Get your application in now before you're too late!

Closing date: Closing date not specified

job Ref: 0b81ac0ca39647a0b5238ae37ddcb85d

Full Job Description

As a member of the Humber andNorth Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (HNY ICB) and the Innovation, Researchand Improvement System (IRIS) team, the Knowledge Mobilisation Business Partnerwill facilitate and promote the use of knowledge, intelligence and evidencefrom academic research, national and regional guidance, reports, publicationsand tools in the health and care sector. The Knowledge Mobilisation BusinessPartner will be part of the core IRIS team which is embedded within theClinical and Care Professional Directorate at HNY ICB, but will also workalongside HNYs Population Health Intelligence Team, based within our CorporateAffairs Directorate. The post will alsowork closely with the Knowledge Mobilisation Lead at the National Institute forHealth Research Applied Research Collaborative Yorkshire and Humber (NIHR YHARC)., The postholder will form abridge between the NIHR YH ARC, HNY ICB, academia and the wider Humber andNorth Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. They will capture and communicatethe needs of local decision makers in the health and care system and work withthe YH ARC and the HNY ICB population health team to identify existingevidence-based treatments and models of care, and support them into practice,working with practitioners and service users. The post holder will work atstrategic level, providing senior level knowledge transfer leadership withinthe region to support development and delivery of national and local workpriorities. The post-holder will collaborate with knowledge mobilisationspecialists in South Yorkshire ICB and West Yorkshire ICB and will be expectedto travel across the Yorkshire and Humber region., As a member of the Humber and NorthYorkshire Integrated Care Board (HNY ICB) and the Innovation, Research and ImprovementSystem (IRIS) team, the Knowledge Mobilisation Business Partner will facilitateand promote the use of knowledge, intelligence and evidence from academicresearch, national and regional guidance, reports, publications and tools inthe health and care sector. The Knowledge Mobilisation Business Partner will bepart of the core IRIS team which is embedded within the Clinical and Care ProfessionalDirectorate at HNY ICB, but will also work alongside HNYs Population HealthIntelligence Team, based within our Corporate Affairs Directorate. The post will also work closely with the KnowledgeMobilisation Lead at the National Institute for Health Research AppliedResearch Collaborative Yorkshire and Humber (NIHR YH ARC). Our HNY Innovation, Research andImprovement System (IRIS) is creating the conditions for bigger and bolderinnovations and improvements within health and care. By supporting, enablingand connecting our integrated care system and working with leading externalpartners, we will secure evidence-based, data driven transformation in healthand care services. Our unique approach brings people together to encourage andpromote innovation, research, and improvement. The IRIS team matrix work with thedata and population health teams in the ICB and external partners on the ConnectedHNY programme which aims to harnessthe power of data, analytics, academicexpertise and industry collaboration to improve population health outcomes forHumber and North Yorkshire. The ICB also has a statutory responsibility topromote the use of evidence from research and population health intelligence inthe commissioning of health and care service in HNY. To support our ambition as a system todeliver evidence-based, data driven transformation in health and care services werecognise the need for dedicated knowledge mobilisation capacity and expertise.Knowledge mobilisation is an iterative, long-term, and two-way process tocreate the conditions to enable the right people to use the right informationat the right time. By sharing information with and learning from each other, adeeper understanding capable of catalysing change can be achieved. It is one ofthe processes that facilitates and amplifies the contribution of research andpopulation health intelligence into real-world settings. HNY ICB and NIHR arecommitted to maximising impact by enabling and supporting the translation ofresearch findings and population health intelligence into evidence-based actionand decision making that transforms the lives of the public, patients, serviceusers and carers. The postholder will form a bridgebetween the NIHR YH ARC, HNY ICB, academia and the wider Humber and NorthYorkshire Health and Care Partnership. They will capture and communicate theneeds of local decision makers in the health and care system and work with the YHARC and the HNY ICB population health team to identify existing evidence-basedtreatments and models of care, and support them into practice, working withpractitioners and service users. The post holder will work at strategic level, providingsenior level knowledge transfer leadership within the region to supportdevelopment and delivery of national and local work priorities. The post-holder will collaborate withknowledge mobilisation specialists in South Yorkshire ICB and West YorkshireICB and will be expected to travel across the Yorkshire and Humber region.

  • Proven project management skills and the ability to take a lead role in project management and development
  • Ability to work independently and without close supervision including making appropriate decisions with strategic, operational and financial implications
  • Ability to think strategically linking active projects to current local and national priorities
  • Ability to assimilate information, national guidelines, clinical governance, interpret and provide advice on best practice.
  • Able to work independently where required, as a team and corporate player.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to influence, manage conflict and negotiate at local and regional level.
  • Ability to build and maintain relationships and networks with staff at all levels including academia, health care professionals and senior executives.
  • Strong problem solving and analytical skills, demonstrable commitment to continuous improvement, receptiveness to new ideas and approaches
  • Proficient to a high level in organisational skills with evidence of scheduling to meet tight and challenging deadlines, managing complex and multiple pieces of work
  • Evidence of commitment to learning and development and continuous improvement, including demonstrating personal continuing professional development.
  • Skilled to a high level in using software packages, including Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) and the internet.
  • Willingness and ability to regularly travel to offices in South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire to collaborate with colleagues in the Yorkshire and Humber region
  • Desirable
  • Political astuteness evidence of commitment and ability to understand diverse interest groups and power bases within organisations and how these inter-relate to affect the network as a whole, Educated to masters level or equivalent experience working at a similar level in specialist area
  • Desirable
  • Knowledge of national systems, structures and processes for supporting research in the NHS
  • Undertaken Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training.
  • Project management qualification(s).
  • Continuous improvement training, accreditation or qualifications
  • Experience Essential
  • Relevant experience of knowledge mobilisation to influence policy and / or practice
  • Experience in managing, designing, organising, facilitating and evaluating knowledge sharing events such as stakeholder meetings, workshops, webinars, events, community forums and other engagement activities
  • Experience of applying different knowledge management approaches networking, product development, engagement activities, dissemination to professionals and the public, co-production
  • Evidence of collaborating with non-academics, including the public, generating outputs relevant to different audiences
  • Experience collaborating with senior professionals, such as academics, clinicians, public health leads and commissioners
  • Relevant experience of working with partners in local authorities, health and social care and / or voluntary sector to facilitate / influence change in policy and practice
  • Desirable
  • Previous NHS and / or research and / or public health experience
  • Experience of designing and delivering capacity building activities training, to empower others to mobilise knowledge
  • Evidence of leading on a challenging portfolio containing a mix of policy, strategy and performance priorities, spanning across organisational boundaries
  • Experience of literature searching and evidence synthesis

    NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) is responsible for planning and arranging the provision of NHS services to meet the diverse health needs of a population of million people.
  • We work closely with providersof health services, local government, regulatory bodies, voluntary and carergroups, patient representatives, and the general public to achieve the besthealth and care outcomes possible and to ensure high quality, safe andeffective services. Our Innovation, Research, andImprovement System (IRIS) is creating the conditions for bigger and bolderinnovations and improvements within health and care. By supporting, enablingand connecting our integrated care system and working with leading externalpartners, we will secure data driven and evidence-based solutions for ourhealth and care grand challenges. Our unique approach bringspeople together to encourage and promote innovation, research, and improvementin health and care. By doing so, we will improve the healthy years lived by ourcommunities.