Learning Disability Advisor | North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust

North Middlesex University Hospital, Upper Edmonton, Enfield

Learning Disability Advisor | North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust

Salary not available. View on company website.

North Middlesex University Hospital, Upper Edmonton, Enfield

  • Part time
  • Permanent
  • Onsite working

Posted today, 3 Dec | Get your application in now to be one of the first to apply.

Closing date: Closing date not specified

job Ref: 44006e3a205f492f91d1f98e7fa2512d

Full Job Description

The purpose of the job is to work closely with the Trust Lead Doctor for adults with Learning Disabilities and autism and the Integrated Safeguarding Team in supporting all activities necessary to ensure that the Trust meets its responsibilities to patients with a learning disability. This work will be promoting best practice, implementing standards and monitoring the process in line with both national and local multi-agency guidelines. The post holder will also have an emphasis on supporting the implementation of the NHS Improvement Benchmarking Standards for People with a Learning Disability and ensuring the Trust meets the requirements of the Equalities Act specifically relating to those with a learning disability. The post holder will also have knowledge in the application of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, and provide advice and guidance to staff in relation to safeguarding concerns relating to people with a learning disability. The post holder will be required to support the Integrated Safeguarding team as required. After several years of ever closer working, North Mid and Royal Free London are planning to come together as one organisation to enable them to go further and faster in improving services for patients and the health of the local community than they can achieve separately. The merger of North Mid into the RFL group is currently expected to take place on 1 January 2025, subject to NHS England and Secretary of State approval. Act as anexpertwith up to date knowledge of national standards and support compliance in these across the Trust. Liaise with internal and external teams on a regular basis sharing information to support the health and wellbeing of people with a learning disability. EnsuresthattheTrustiscompliantwiththeCQCfundamentalstandardswithregardsto learning disabilities. North Mid is part of North Central London integrated care system - consisting of the NHS and Local authority organisations in Camden, Islington, Barnet, Enfield and Haringey. As with other ICS's, we are working increasingly closely with partners and indeed many of our financial and performance objectives are measured at this system level. Whilst all organisations remain as standalone, statutory bodies we have an ICS infrastructure for making shared decisions and agreeing shared approaches. We are proud of our staff and want to ensure their training allows them to provide excellent clinical care. We are also a training unit for medical students from UCL and St George's University Grenada, and for nursing and midwifery students from Middlesex and City Universities. Take a tour of our hospitalhere ClinicalLeadership

  • Daily visibilitywithintheclinicalareastosupportanddirectstaffinsupportingpatients who have a learning disability.
  • Act as a support to staff and patients/ carers, and liaise with ward management teams and medical leads to ensure that any issues relating to mental capacity and deprivation of liberty safeguards with regards to patients who have a learning disability are communicated and managed in a timely and effective manner.
  • Ensureeffectivecommunicationwithpatients(inwhateverformattheyrequire),relatives/ carers, Trust staff and external agencies both verbal and written.
  • Ensure visibility in clinical areas and act as a resource to empower staff, service users, patientsandcarerstoaccessappropriateservices,workingclinicallyonaregularbasis.
  • Supporttheauditofrecordstomeasureandevaluatecareplanning.
  • Supportandadvisecolleaguesinclinicalassessmentofadultswithalearningdisability where there are adult safeguarding, MCA and DOLS concerns.
  • Actasapatientadvocate,supportpatientstoaccessappropriateadvocacyservicesincluding statutory advocacy services. Direct staff to utilise theseresources.
  • Assistinthecollectionofdataandprovideessentialinformationinatimelyandaccurate
  • mannerwhenrequiredbytheTrustorexternalagencies. TrainingandDevelopment
  • Thepostholderwillcontributetotheplanning,deliveryandevaluationofsafeguardingadults training in the Trust leading on but not limited to learning disabilities and including adultsafeguarding.
  • Workwiththeeducationandsafeguardingteamstoensurethat learningdisabilities are embedded in training programmes and these are regularly reviewed and audited.
  • Ensurethatstaffandpatientsupportandadviceisreadilyavailableregarding patientswho have a learning disability.
  • Attend relevant local, regional and national continuing professional development activities in order to maintain up to date skills.
  • Keep up-to-date with national and regional initiatives, including horizon-scanning for futureproposals.
  • Thepostholderisrequiredtoaccessregularsafeguardingsupervisionfromtheirlinemanager.
  • Sharespecialistknowledgeandpracticeaboutpatientswhohavealearningdisabilityand in all aspects of the patient care pathway.
  • Ensurebestpracticeisfollowedbystaffbasedoncurrentresearchandrecommendations.
  • Undertakeregularauditsandprovidekeythemesandactionsarisingfrom theseauditsto enable service development and learning across the Trust.
  • Supporttheplanningandcoordinationwhererequiredforbestinterestsmeetingsand case conferences in support of patients, families and staff.