Neighbourhood Action Coordinator

Pembroke House, Newington, Southwark

Neighbourhood Action Coordinator


Pembroke House, Newington, Southwark

  • Full time
  • Temporary
  • Remote working

Posted 5 days ago, 29 Sep | Get your application in now to be included in the first week's applications.

Closing date: Closing date not specified

job Ref: c8aded0a37fe4d9390d9ef5e13d553ee

Full Job Description

Day-to-day you'll be working across a range of Pembroke House programmes andneighbourhood projects, working closely with residents, local organisations andteam members to form relationships which build towards action., Over the last 8-10 years at Pembroke House we have worked in a variety of ways totry to make a positive diȨerence to our neighbourhood, from communityorganising on the estates around Pembroke House, building relationships with localTRAs (tenants and residents associations) and forging links with otherorganisations with a community organising ethos such as Citizens UK, ParentAction Southwark, and English for Action. We've also worked to build partnerships,from the ambitious mass engagement strategies of We Walworth , localcollaborations for the Walworth Group , the Covid-19 Emergency Food Hub and theNeighbourhood Food Model . What unites these initiatives is a belief that our role isto support collective action that creates meaningful and lasting change within theneighbourhood.This role requires someone who can build on this legacy, with the sensitivity toadapt diȨerent strategies to diȨerent situations, and motivate and support othersto drive forward action., This job description a nd person specifica tion outlines the key a ccounta bilities of,a nd output required from, the postholder a s well a s skills, qua lifica tions a ndexperience needed in order to ca rry out the role. It is not a definitive list. Main Duties and ResponsibilitiesNEIGHBOURHOOD ACTION PROJECTS:1 Doorstep Conversations Project lead for a doorstep conversations programme. Work with a small group of residents on an intensive programme of door-to-door conversations focussed on how well people know their neighbours and what is needed to help people get to know their neighbours better. You will lea d on; recruiting residents, hosting tra ining sessions (with the support of a nother experienced tra iner), ensuring sa fety of the pa rticipa nts, keeping the group motiva ted a nd enga ged, overseeing the ca pture of conversa tions, a nd sha ring outcomes in a written report a nd verba l presenta tion.2 Community Leadership Training Work with colleagues to plan a Neighbourhood Leaders Training programme, which draws on Pembroke House's successful 2024 Neighbourhood Leaders training. You will work with collea gues to pla n sessions, crea te a project timeline, a nd sha pe course content. You will lea d on booking fa cilita tors a nd a dministra tion of contra cts, room booking, refreshments, recruitment ma teria ls, pa rticipa nt recruitment & rela tionships, hosting sessions, ca pturing feedba ck a nd outcomes., Put together a series of public talks for the Walworth Living Room with invited speakers giving practical examples of neighbourhood action that could inspire others to action. You will lea d on genera ting idea s a nd conta cts for potentia l ta lks, design a nd scheduling of the progra mme, spea ker booking, room booking a nd refreshments, publicity ma teria ls, enga ging residents, hosting sessions a nd monitoring a ctions a rising.4 Free Room Hire oȨer for Neighbourhood Action groups Clarify, publicise and oversee our free room hire oȨer for groups who are taking action in the local area. You will lea d on publicising the oǡer, meeting with groups, overseeing their use of the spa ce, a nd reporting.ORGANISATION-WIDE COMMS & ENGAGEMENT5 ENGAGEMENT Meet and engage a high number of local residents in the neighbourhood, raising awareness of Pembroke House's wider activities, and directing residents to the activities that they are interested in participating in.6 COLLABORATION WITH OTHER PROGRAMME LEADS Work with other programme leads to:

  • Drive footfall to the Walworth Living Room, as a place for people to
  • connect, and as a base for taking action.
  • Build engagement with Neighbourhood Food Model activities.
  • Build recruitment for Social Model of Health sessions.
  • Plan engagement and comms for annual Pembroke House activities
  • and events including the AGM and festive reception., 8
  • Attend special events organised by Pembroke House which may be
  • during the evenings or at weekends.
  • Attend monthly team meetings held during the evening.
  • Complete other tasks commensurate with the level of the role
  • Take part in weekly and monthly meetings of all staȨ or smaller
  • project-based teams helping foster eȨective team-working and a coherent approach across all our activities.
  • Contribute to developing the learning framework for our organisation
  • as a whole by taking part actively in discussions and learning days.
  • Take part in the life of Pembroke House by mucking in when a team
  • eȨort is required to get something done.
  • A commitment to the Equal Opportunities Policy of Pembroke House
  • You may be asked to act as a First Aider and Fire Marshal
  • The above job description is a guide to the work you may be required to undertake butdoes not form part of your contract of employment. Pembroke House reserves the rightto change the duties detailed in this job description to reflect changing circumstances.Changes will be introduced following discussion with the post-holder., We want to support our staȨ as best we can, and recognise that time away maybe needed for diȨerent reasons.Annual Holiday Leave: 28 days paid annual leave per annum (pro rata), plus thestandard Bank and Public Holidays and three discretionary days betweenChristmas and New Year.The leave year begins on 1 April. During the first year of employment, you will beentitled to annual leave on a pro rata basisSick leave: Once staȨ have passed probation they are entitled to our enhancedsick leave policyDependency Leave: We know that balancing work with caring responsibilities ishard, which is why we have a policy that allows for some time oȨ to support this.Compassionate Leave: When serious and life changing events happen, ourcompassionate leave policy allows for time oȨ to process and recover.

    We will oȨer guaranteed interviews to any candidate who meets the essentialperson specification AND who also has either a strong connection to Walworth, isfrom ethnic minority backgrounds or has not accessed higher education., A knowledge of community organising methodology (see for example CommunityOrganisers , Act Build Change or Citizen's UK ) would be beneficial, but notessential, as there will also be other approaches or experiences that you coulddraw on for this role., You'll be an energetic person who loves meeting new people and can inspire othersto take action. Working within a racially and ethnically diverse community that hasexperienced traumas of systemic injustice, you will be able to support people tobuild a sense of trust and empathy across the diversity of Walworth.,
  • Experience of successfully encouraging others to Application
  • take action in a community programme, activity or action.
  • Experience of working collaboratively with others Application
  • to take action in a community setting.
  • Able to articulate what happened as a result of Interview
  • community actions in which you played a part.
  • Experience of working within a racially and Application
  • ethnically diverse community that has experienced traumas of systemic injustice. & Interview Experience - Desired
  • A strong personal connection to Walworth, e.g. as Application &
  • a resident, through family, or work. Interview
  • Community organising, or campaigning work Application &
  • Experience of storytelling for community action
  • Experience of comms/publicity for campaigns or Interview
  • community programs
  • Conflict mediation experience, Experience with trauma-led approach
  • Experience in reporting impact, using monitoring
  • data to track projects, inform decision making, Application and adapt working strategies.
  • Fluency in a language other than English, Application
  • particularly Spanish or Arabic
  • Familiarity with Airtable, Google Suite, and/or Application
  • Adobe Suite. Personal Attributes - Essential
  • A people person who enjoys engaging with people Interview
  • from a wide variety of backgrounds
  • A commitment to the value of engaging people in
  • building collective power
  • Ability to manage competing demands and
  • priorities on time
  • A flexible, proactive approach
  • A commitment to a test and learn
  • approach-trying things out, seeing what happens and then adjusting the approach
  • Comfortable working in a small and growing
  • organisation and in a continually changing environment
  • Ability to operate with a high degree of
  • confidentiality and diplomacy, amongst colleagues and members of the public
  • A commitment to the Equal Opportunities, Data
  • Protection, and Child and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policies of Pembroke House,
  • Awareness of diȨerent strategies used in Interview
  • campaigning, community programs, or community organising, and able to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of diȨerent approaches, drawing on various approaches as appropriate to the task in hand.

    Pembroke House, is a centre for social action and residential community inWalworth, south-east London.We were founded in 1885, by students from Pembroke College, Cambridge, as oneof the first settlement houses. Shocked by growing poverty and inequality, thepioneers of the settlement movement sought a new approach: taking up residenceto live, work and solve problems alongside local communities. We continue toshare a building with St Christopher's church, which has its routes in the samestudent settlement.For over 130 years, we've been working to bridge traditional divides and unitepeople - whatever their background or walk of life - in building a better Walworth.

    Location: Pembroke House, 80 Tatum Street, SE171QR, Walworth Living Room, AllSaints Hall, Surrey Square, SE172JU, and surrounding areas. As we are aneighbourhood based organisation we believe it is essential to our work that staȨare present in one of our sites in Walworth as much as possible.Hours of Work: Full time 35 hrs per week, usually 9-5 Tues-Sat
  • , with some
  • evening meetings (taken oȨ as TOIL). This role is not suitable for regular remoteworking .,
  • From early 2025 we intend to open the Walworth Living Room on Saturdays to
  • better engage with residents who work during the week. We are therefore buildinga staȨ team that can support community events and activities on weekdayevenings and Saturdays. Our ideal candidate would be able to work a Tues - Satschedule, and MUST be available to work evenings at least once a week, and someSaturdays. There is some flexibility as to how many Saturdays would be required ofthis role.A reduced 28 hours contract (0.8FTE) may be considered.Salary: £32,044Contract length: 1 Year, Salary: £32,044 FTE per yearCost of living will be reviewed annually and is currently pegged to the HigherEducation single pay spine - a collective agreement negotiated between five tradeunions.Working cultureMany of the team are part-time employees and we all come from diversebackgrounds and experiences - ranging from local and central government andyouth & community work, to academia, music, performance and politics. EachstaȨ member has a personal development budget to ensure they feel confident intheir roles and have space to grow.Food plays a central and growing role at Pembroke House: when possible we runcommunity lunch clubs, monthly team dinners, healthy breakfasts, and lunches.We also do team trips to shows and exhibitions and oȨer a staȨ discount on foodand drink at the Walworth Living Room.We invest in a lively oȩce culture, and support our staȨ to work flexibly when thiscan be accommodated. No-one at Pembroke House is confined to a desk orcomputer - everyone chips in with projects, events and activities.We subscribe to a generous cycle to work scheme as well as an electric carleasing scheme., A 5% employer's contribution to the pension scheme is oȨered, subject toqualifying criteria.