Senior Clinical Fellow in Anaesthetics | Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Lancashire Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Sharoe Green, Preston

Senior Clinical Fellow in Anaesthetics | Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Salary not available. View on company website.

Lancashire Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Sharoe Green, Preston

  • Full time
  • Temporary
  • Onsite working

Posted today, 21 Dec | Get your application in now to be one of the first to apply.

Closing date: Closing date not specified

job Ref: 5f30dbf79df94900a46e4f66c397c196

Full Job Description

Applicants are invited to apply for this Senior Clinical Fellow in Anaesthesia based at Royal Preston Hosptial. This is a 12-month fixed term post. You will beexpectedtoprovidepre-operativeassessment,anaesthesiaandfollow-up.Youwillbe offered experience intherangeofsubspecialtieswecover,aregularcommitmentto medical education in a variety of areas such as undergraduate medical students and simulation at LancashireSimulation Centre and the option of a regular commitment to our state-of-the-art clinicalresearch facility. There will be a combination of teaching lists and solo lists with appropriatesupervision. The post holder will be expected to have experience in Anaesthesia and ideally in IntensiveCare Medicine and will be expected to work under distant supervision especially during outofhour'sshifts. TheDepartmentofAnaesthesiaiscommittedtocontinuingitsteachingrole and considerable importance isattachedtothesupportofthejuniormedicalstaffintheDepartment. InadditiontoroutineNHSteachingresponsibilities,theDirectoratehas beenfundedtoprovideasignificantcontributiontothetrainingofundergraduatemedicalstudents whosenumbers have increased upto300. It is essential that the applicants be committed to their own continuing medical education and professionaldevelopment. Topromotehighprofessionalstandardsofclinicalcareforpatients,boththroughdirectpatientcare, supporting professional activities and by the maintenance of continuing professionaldevelopment. Thepostholderwill:

  • ProvideanAnaestheticserviceacrosstheTrust.
  • Participate in the trainee anaesthetic rota on both hospital sites with additional coverduringcolleagues'absence.
  • Assumeacontinuouscommitmentforthecareofpatients,evenifemployedlessthanfull-time and ensure, in consultation with colleagues, that adequate arrangements aremadefor leaveandoffdutyperiods.
  • Promote high professional standards of clinical care for patients, both through directpatientcareandbythemaintenanceofcontinuingprofessionaldevelopment.
  • Exercisethefreedomtoassistindevelopmentofspecialistelementsoftheservices toreflectperceivedpriorities withinavailableresources.
  • Undertakeadministrativedutiesinvolved withthecareofhis/herpatients.
  • Promote high professional standards of clinical care of patients and the health andsafetyofthetheatreenvironment.
  • MaintaincontinuingeducationandprofessionaldevelopmentatleasttotherequirementsoftheRoyal CollegeofAnaesthetists.
  • Modern Education Centres are based at both Royal Preston and Chorley and South RibbleHospital sites and offer excellent library and study facilities, including PC/Internet support forstaffandstudents. Asateachinghospital,weencourageallourstafftoparticipateinteachingandtrainingat bothundergraduate and postgraduate levels. We are committed to developing our teaching andacademicactivitiesandcanfacilitatemeetinganytrainingneedsfortheseroles. We support the requirements for Continuing Medical Education as laid down by the RoyalCollegesandarecommittedtoprovidingtimeandfinancialsupportforthese activities.