Staff Nurse
Leeds Teaching Hospitals, Claremount, Calderdale
Staff Nurse
Salary not available. View on company website.
Leeds Teaching Hospitals, Claremount, Calderdale
- Full time
- Permanent
- Onsite working
Posted 6 days ago, 15 Dec | Get your application in now to be included in the first week's applications.
Closing date: Closing date not specified
job Ref: 19679b212c904bbdbabaf46cf7c3889e
Full Job Description
Toprovide and be responsible for the assessment, planning, implementation andevaluation of individualised programmes of care. To deliver care withoutsupervision. To take charge of the ward or department as necessary in theabsence of the Sister or Charge Nurse. To participate in the in-servicetraining, preceptorship and mentorship of junior staff, post basic learners andstudents. To take responsibility as the prime care provider for a group ofpatients. To promote confidence in our commitment to provide excellent andcompassionate patient care. To maintain personal development., Toprovide and be responsible for the assessment, planning, implementation andevaluation of individualised programmes of care. Todeliver care without supervision. Totake charge of the ward or department as necessary in the absence of the Sisteror Charge Nurse. Toparticipate in the in-service training, preceptorship and mentorship of juniorstaff, post basic learners and students. Totake responsibility as the prime care provider for a group of patients. Topromote confidence in our commitment to provide excellent compassionate patientcare., Acts in accordance with the Nursing& Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Conduct. Communicate with patients and carers toensure they have access to appropriate information. Maintain and deliver compassionatepatient focused care in accordance with LTHT guidelines, policies, values andbehaviours. Maintain a safe working environment. Provide assessment, planning,implementation and evaluation of nursing care for patients, ensuringdocumentation standards are upheld in accordance with NMC and LTHT guidelines,whether written or computerised. Promote and maintain positiverelationships between all staff involved in the care of patients. Promote evidence based practice. Participate in the audit andevaluation of clinical practice in the interests of promoting and improvingquality care through action on findings. Undertake duties on other wards ordepartments as and when required by service demands or patient need. Act in such a way that safeguards thehealth and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults at all times. Isfamiliar with and adheres to, the LTHT safeguarding policies. Educationand Training Contribute to the promotion of apositive clinical learning environment. Keep up to date with developments,advances and research in individualised patient care. Participate in research and oreducation programmes relating to professional nursing issues and practice. Complete mandatory training annually. Participate in annual appraisal. Participate in preceptorship andmentorship programmes Participate in teaching, supervisingand assessing of student nurses and other supervised staff, where allocated . Undertake continuous professional andclinical development, constantly seeking opportunities to enhance skills. Managerial Demonstrate effective use of resources. In the absence of the Sister or ChargeNurse take charge of the ward or department and co-ordinate ward or departmentactivities. Take responsibility for the prime careprovider for a group of patients When in charge of the ward takesresponsibility for reporting, investigating and responding to accidents,complaints, untoward incidents and other significant events. As delegated and directed by the SeniorSister or Charge Nurse, participate in,investigating and responding to accidents, complaints, untoward incidents andother significant events. Raise concerns with regards to risk,danger, malpractice or wrong doing by following the LTHT Whistleblowing policyand supporting processes. Healthand Safety / Risk Management Allstaff are responsible for working with their colleagues to maintain and improvethe quality of services provided to our patients and other service users. This includes complying at all times with theLeeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Policies, including Health and Safetypolicies, in particular by following agreed safe working procedures, andreporting incidents using the Trust Incident Reporting system. InfectionControl Thejobholder must comply at all times with the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustInfection Control policies, in particular by practising Universal InfectionControl Precautions. Hand hygiene must be performed before and after contactwith patients and their environment. Equalityand Diversity Thejobholder must comply with all policies and procedures designed to ensureequality of employment and that services are delivered in ways that meet theindividual needs of patients and their families. No person whether they are staff, patient orvisitor should receive less favourable treatment because of their gender,ethnic origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion etc. Patientand Public Involvement TheTrust has a statutory duty to involve patients and public in evaluating andplanning services. All staff have aresponsibility to listen to the views of patients and to contribute to serviceimprovements based on patient feedback. Trainingand Personal Development Continuous Professional Development Thejobholder must take responsibility in agreement with his / her line manager forhis / her own personal development by ensuring that Continuous ProfessionalDevelopment remains a priority. Thejobholder will undertake all mandatory training required for the role. Respectfor Patient Confidentiality Thejobholder should respect patient confidentiality at all times and not divulgepatient information unless sanctioned by the requirements of the role., Frequentstanding, sitting, walking, kneels and crouches to attend to patient needs.Responding to changes in patient condition. PatientCare ( drug administration). Shift working. Moving& handling of patients and equipment on a daily basis : Patients- 10-120kg (with lifting aids). Equipment - medical equipment, specialisedmattresses (weight 1-20kg). ii) MENTAL EFFORT : Continuousmental effort / concentration required in relation to responding to and meetingpatients nursing care needs ( for 8-12 hour shift). Co-ordinatingWard or Department activities in the absence of a Sister or Charge Nurse. Respondingto changing circumstances ( changes in patient condition, prioritisation ofworkload). Dealingwith complex and changing care needs of patients within an acute hospitalenvironment (includes communication with relatives / carers). Calculating drugdoses. Robust verbal and writtencommunication skills required at all times.
Registered Adult Nurse (Level 1 or 2) Training Ability to demonstrate and explainskills to other staff. Willing to undergo relevant training asnecessary. Skills Literate and numerate. Ability to perform accurate drugcalculations. Competent in written, and verbalcommunication skills. Competent in the use of informationtechnology. Able to organise and prioritiseworkload. Understand the skills and knowledgerequired to develop team members. Knowledge Current issues in healthcare. Standards of Professional Practice. PersonalAttributes Ability to work as part of a team. Committed to working with people. Demonstrates a commitment to personaldevelopment. Compassionate, enthusiastic andmotivated. Flexible and adaptable. Professional and patient focussed. Courageous., Ability to act professionally at alltimes. Effective communication skills. Effective numeracy skills accuratedrug calculations. Ability to organise self and others. Teaching and assessing skills Team player. Effective time management skills. 8. CORE KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING An understanding of research andevidence based practice. An understanding of the organisationand working practices of the area. An understanding of the process andphilosophy of preceptorship. An understanding of the training anddevelopment needs of junior staff and students., Exposureto difficult situation including death and dying, distressed patients andrelatives / carers. Dealingwith complex workload. Dealingwith staffing issues and or performance issues on shift basis. iv)WORKING CONDITIONS : Temperature- should be controlled, but may experience hot or cold work environment. Smells- dealing with body fluids. Violence & Aggression - may experience violenceand aggression from patients and or relatives or carers. Person Specification Qualifications Essential
- Registered Adult Nurse Level 1 or 2.
- Has current registration on the appropriate part of the NMC register Experience Essential
- Current issues in health care. Skills & behaviours Essential
- Good written and verbal skills
- Able to provide and be responsible for the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of individualised programmes of care
- Ability to organise and prioritise workload
- Understanding of skills and knowledge required to develop team members Desirable
- Caring, compassionate and motivated.
- Reliable and trustworthy
- Excellent interpersonal skills. Additional Requirements Essential
- Able to fulfil Occupational Health requirements for the post
TheLeeds Renal Services lies within the Abdominal Medicine Surgery (AMS) ClinicalService unit at Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust. The renal service receivesreferrals for adults for the management and treatment of disorders of thekidney. The spectrum of disease ranges from mild disorders to life threateningconditions. All the renal consultants see patients with general nephrologicalproblems and, in addition, have their own special interests. The main renalunit is at St James's University Hospital, where inpatient, outpatient,pre-dialysis, haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and transplantation servicesare provided. Nurse-led outpatient clinics also take place at St James's. Thesub-regional kidney transplant service for West, East and North Yorkshire islocated at St James's University Hospital. Thank you for considering yourcareer with us in Renal Services, Abdominal Medicine & Surgery at LeedsTeaching Hospitals NHS Trust.